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Greeley's OsteoStrong is the best place to help keep you active, outdoors, and moving

Article by Sydney Breakfield

Photography by Photos by Diandra

Originally published in Greeley Lifestyle

Deeply rooted in the bones of many Coloradans is the innate desire to get outdoors and get active. Whether that be going for a hike in the beautiful Rocky Mountains or taking a walk along one of Greeley’s nature trails, getting outdoors is a top priority for many Greeley residents. However, when our bodies hinder our ability to do the things we love, what can we do to keep them strong? Doug and Terri Aden, owners of Greeley’s OsteoStrong, have the answer for many of us struggling with bone health, osteoporosis, or joint and back pain and believe that OsteoStrong is the best place in Greeley to help keep you active, outdoors, and moving. 

Osteostrong uses a process known as Osteogenic Loading to help promote skeletal strength, an area of the body the Adens feel is easy to neglect. “Our number one focus is working on skeletal strength conditioning. Everybody has a skeletal system, so we can be a benefit to everybody.” 

Although a majority of those walking through the doors at OsteoStrong seek relief from ailments based on a doctor’s recommendation, many participants are repeat clients who strive to keep up the health of their bones. Even athletes attempting to reach the next level of peak strength will take advantage of Osteostrong’s opportunities to strengthen their skeletal systems, improve their balance, and enhance their athletic performance.  “Nothing has been more rewarding than seeing and hearing from the heroes of our center, no matter their age or physical condition, being able to maximize their body's condition and accomplish things they haven’t in years.” 

Sandy, a member of Osteostrong since 2021, raves about her experience at Osteostrong. “I enjoy hiking and walking, but the pain in my right hip had gotten so bad I hadn’t been able to go for a walk in a year and a half. Within three months of doing OsteoStrong I was able to go for a walk with no pain for the first three blocks. That same week I went for a half-hour gentle hike in the mountains.”  Anna, a member since May of 2021, concurs, stating: “My knees have felt so much better since joining OsteoStrong. I am a barber, and standing all day was really hard due to the knee pain. Thanks to OsteoStrong, I have more stamina and less pain.” 

One of Doug and Terri Aden’s primary goals is helping keep you active, outdoors, and moving. But most importantly, the Aden’s want to help you continue doing the things you love to do without any physical hindrances. So, whether you seek improved Bone Density, posture, balance, athletic performance, or less joint and back pain, stop by OsteoStrong in Greeley to ensure your quick way to skeletal health. 

Tips from Doug and Terri to keep your body strong: 

  • Maintain high water intake and sleep requirements to allow your body to repair itself.

  • Use resistance bands when exercising for a safer method for your joints. 

  • Ensure your macronutrient focus is on high protein intake and low carbohydrates.

  • Look out for quality micronutrients that should have anticompetitive ingredients included.