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Moghaddas and family.

Featured Article

A Special Place to Call Home

Kirkland Lifestyle sits down with community leader Mike Moghaddas

What are you thankful for this year? 

I am most thankful for my health and family. There are many things going on around the world and it's just a reminder that if you have your health, a roof over your head, and people that love you, you have it pretty good. 

What does it mean to you to be part of this community, and what do you love about it?

Kirkland is such an amazing community to be a part of. We love seeing familiar faces when we are out. There's always someone you run into at PCC or Met Market, or while shopping at the Wednesday market. The Grape Choice and Bibi are great places to mingle with friends and family while enjoying the sunset on the lake. The yearly events that the city hosts are very special for the kids and adults too. Kirkland isn't as big as neighboring cities, I think it will always have that small town feel and will always be a close-knit community. It's truly a special place to call home.

What are you looking forward to in 2024? 

I would love to get more involved in the community and to be in touch with friends and family on a consistent basis. Hopefully we can all look forward to lower interest rates so that buyers regain confidence in the market. We live in a great place to invest in real estate and my long-term outlook remains very positive for that.

  • Moghaddas and family.