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Advocates For Changing Lives

Volunteers who are the voices for Sumner County area children

Sumner County Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) is a nonprofit that provides trained volunteers to advocate for the best interests of children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect and are under the jurisdiction of the court system. CASA’s mission is to recruit, train and supervise diverse volunteers who serve as advocates for children involved in court proceedings primarily as the result of abuse and/or neglect. 

Sumner County Juvenile Court Judge David Howard has referred to CASA volunteers as the “eyes and ears of the court.” Volunteers work to ensure that the needs of children are met and their rights are protected and see their CASA children monthly as they continue to speak with the adults that are a part of the program regularly. Staff and volunteers attend court hearings, foster care review boards and Department of Children’s Services meetings and work as part of the team as the children navigate the road to permanence. 

The children that CASA serves are part of our community. The cases appointed have become more disturbing and children are experiencing more trauma than ever. The goal of CASA is to help ensure that every child in the child welfare system has a safe, permanent and nurturing home. One consistent, caring adult makes a difference and that is what CASA provides to each child. By providing a trained advocate who is solely focused on the child’s best interests, CASA aims to improve the outcomes for children in foster care and reduce the amount of time they spend in the system.

There are many amazing ways to support Sumner County CASA on a multitude of levels. Volunteering to be a constant and caring adult in a child’s life and work to ensure that their needs are met and their rights are protected is one of the most important ways to support CASA. Volunteering provides a voice and builds relationships with the children to ensure trust. Sponsoring events such as The Reverse Raffle and the Champions for Children Dinner and Silent Auction helps raise awareness and funds for Sumner County CASA. Spread awareness by sharing information with your friends, family and community and you can also follow Sumner County CASA on social media; like and share their posts while keeping up with other ways of support and events at @sumnercountycasa.