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Anna Train Depot

Featured Article

Four Anna Landmarks

History and Heritage

Article by Leya Bryant Grubbs

Photography by Holly Farrow Photography

Originally published in Anna City Lifestyle

You don’t just stumble upon your heritage. It’s there, just waiting to be explored and shared. - Robbie Robertson

Anna Train Depot

In 2004, the Anna Area Historical Preservation Society was initially founded by Jan Sherley Miller and several longtime friends with one goal: “rescue, relocate and restore” the Anna Train Depot. When the railroad came through the area in 1872, there were no settlers. The depot, built in 1885, served as the area ingress for cotton, grass, and other agricultural necessities. This funneling of goods laid essential roots for the town. The railroad abandoned the depot in the mid 50s, and in the early 60s, it was in jeopardy of being torn down. A local businessman acquired it for hay storage. In the late 1990s, a developer purchased the land, and the depot was set to be demolished. The depot was donated to the Preservation Society in 2007. It was moved to a temporary location. According to Linda Bryant O’Neal, a lifetime friend of Jan Sherley Miller, “After many bake sales and fundraising efforts, they were able to get the depot moved to its current location in Sherley Heritage Park on May 8, 2018.” The Anna Depot remains the oldest railroad station in Texas.

First Christian Church

There are few more beautiful historical structures in North Texas than First Christian Church of Anna. Founded by pioneer settlers in the mid-1800s, the church was not built until 1890. Its origins began in the now-nonexistent community of Mantua. After Mantua’s decline due to the success of bustling new railroad towns such as Anna, Mantua church members and early Anna resident Rebecca Sherley organized First Christian Church in 1882. The services were held in the Sherley home until it burned in 1886. The church was then built on the Sherley property after the fire. It is known to be one of the earliest Christian churches in Texas, receiving its Historical Marker in 1994. Marthe Sherley Adams, who has attended the church since she was an infant and has served as an Elder for many years, said, “The congregation today remains a close family with descendants from the original Mantua church as well as many newcomers.” For over 100 years, the little white church has been a beacon of faith, family, and fellowship within the community.

A. Sherley and Bro. Hardware Store

When Anna was established in 1872, two brothers, Andrew and Fred Sherley, opened one of the first Anna businesses. In 1894, they built a structure to house their successful hardware store. Up until it’s closing in 1979, the store sold many goods such as farming supplies, furniture, cotton, groceries, grain and even wagons. It also served as a museum. This building, Collin County’s first brick structure, is a testament to early Texas commercial building design. The building remains in the family, with a rich history and promising future. Marquin Miller Hunn, great-granddaughter of Fred Sherley, expressed her excitement about the restoration, saying, “I am extremely excited about the restoration of our family property and sharing its history. It will be a true historical Texas destination and great for the Anna community.”

The Malt Shop

Built in 1959 and remaining in its original location, you can’t miss “the malt shop,” as it's referred to by the locals, showing off the iconic neon sign, the first of its kind in town. The beloved local landmark has been in continuous operation. M.T. Reaves and family operated the shop for thirty-three years. Joe and Becky Greer purchased the shop in 1998. In 2012, Mike and Kristi Spurlock Perez began Spurlock's Malt Shop. Becky Greer, the building’s current owner, stated, “Kristi is the granddaughter of Gilbert Spurlock of Lamesa, Texas, who operated Spurlock's Super Dog Drive-In. Gilbert created the secret family recipe for their trademark ‘super dog’ batter. Hand-dipped frankfurters become their delicious Super Dog.” The restaurant has remained true to authentic malt-shop classics such as burgers, hotdogs, milkshakes, malts, and fried specialties. A favorite among Anna residents and visitors alike, Spurlock’s Malt Shop is a popular, local gathering place with a 1950s nostalgic feel and rich family history.