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Adventurer Takes You on Journeys Ideal for Fall Travel

Annemarie Comes Gives a Glimpse into the Many Local Wonders to Explore

Havasupai Falls, Supai

Skill level: challenging

Permits must be acquired online:

Annemarie's Experience

The hike into the canyon was beautiful! Ten miles is a long distance, but the hike in itself was not too challenging, just tiring. Gorgeous large rock formations surround you. It was wonderful to stop in Supai Village to try their “taco fry bread." Once we arrived, the turquoise water was unbelievable. The reward was hearing Havasu Falls as we came around the corner. No words can describe what it feels like to see Havasu Falls for the first time. It is a refreshing reward at the end of your journey.

Antelope Canyon, Page

Skill level: easy to moderate depending on the tour

All visitors must have a permit to tour the canyon. A permit is included with a tour. You must take a tour with a Navajo guide in order to go into the canyon. 

Annemarie's Experience

The sun shines brightly into the canyon ceiling creating beams of light and causing the canyon walls to glow in orange, red and yellow tones. The guides are very helpful to point out formations, and I couldn’t stop admiring the colorations of the walls. Looking up out of the canyon to see the white puffy clouds and blue sky in contrast to the orange canyon edges was stunning.  

Mystery Castle, Phoenix

Skill level: easy

All visitors must purchase a ticket ($10) at the castle after parking in the lot nearby.

Annemarie's Experience

Each time I set foot into a new room of this 8,000-square-foot castle, I was even more intrigued. Turrets, balconies, 18 rooms, 13 fireplaces, a chapel and a dungeon all exist in this Mystery Castle, and the backstory will truly draw you in.

"I have always loved adventure/travel and photography. My hope is to share my adventures through my imagery, to inspire others to capture beauty or inspire them to go see some of these amazing destinations!" –Annemarie Comes