From a young age, renowned Franklin artist and resident Joseph Sulkowski knew he would be an artist. Driven by this lifelong dream, Joseph embarked on formal studies, first at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, followed by a dedicated apprenticeship under the guidance of Frank Mason at the Art Students League of New York. Today, the culmination of his artistic journey takes center stage as Joseph proudly unveils his Magnum Opus, "Apokalupsis: An Uncovering," at the esteemed Morris Museum of Art in
Joseph’s self-described style of ‘poetic realism’ goes beyond the literal, capturing the intangible aspects of reality. Drawing inspiration from Old Masters like Michelangelo and Velázquez, his work is a masterful exploration of light, space, and atmosphere.
'Apokalupsis,' derived from the Greek word meaning 'to uncover,' is a masterpiece that delves into the interconnectedness of life. Portraying foxhounds as metaphors for humanity navigating the vast field of time, Joseph invites viewers on a visual and emotional journey.
The allegory intricately weaves the seven deadly sins, five senses, four elements, and three graces, guiding viewers to a universal truth – the sacred reality that all Is one. Complementing the exhibition are additional drawings, paintings, and a six-and-one-half-foot
sculpture, enriching the immersive experience.
This extraordinary exhibition goes beyond aesthetics, serving as a testament to the transformative power of art. The ‘Apokalupsis: An Uncovering’ will be on exhibit from March 1 through April 21 at the Morris Museum of Art (Atlanta) and will travel to the
AKC Museum of the Dog (New York City, May 8 - August 4) and 148th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show 2024 (Queens, May 11-14). Apokalupsis beckons individuals to join a spiritual journey where hearts are touched and souls are inspired. Joseph's art becomes a profound medium for uncovering the interconnected threads that bind us all together.