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Beating to different drum

Hampton's musical background helps him with financial advisor role

Ellis Hampton’s life has always revolved around music.

As an award-winning musician, composer and educator, he had a passion for helping people deepen their knowledge and expand their lives through music.

“Music is the truest way for human beings to express the inexpressible, but the only way we understand life,” Hampton said.

It was a difficult choice for him to leave music education after obtaining his doctorate at the University of North Texas. But when he was recruited by True North Financial Solutions, he felt it was the perfect time to adapt his considerable skills to a new environment that dovetailed with education and creativity.

Hampton has found serving as a financial advisor a rewarding experience. He enjoys helping clients assess and clarify their financial needs and goals. His deep understanding of the educational process helps him navigate his clients through the sometimes-complex world of financial planning. He sees his role as helping people enhance their current lives, and secure their future. 

Particularly rewarding to Ellis was when one of his former students, now a dentist, became one of his clients. He loves seeing his former students thrive. He finds it a privilege to have played a small role in their success.

Music will always be a part of Ellis’ life and you can find him on his drums every day. But his new passion is helping people plan for their financial future.

“Music is the truest way for human beings to express the inexpressible, but the only way we understand life." — Ellis Hampton