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Featured Article

Beautiful Soul in a Beautiful City

Article by Linda Dohse

Photography by Steve Confer

Originally published in Franklin Lifestyle

Franklin is home to many amazing things: historic attractions, an iconic downtown, a lively music scene and beautiful parks, just to name a few gems. Amid all of this wonder lives Kathy Confer, founder and owner of Naturally Beautiful Permanent Cosmetics. Why is this so special? The answer is simple: Kathy decided to take her exceptional talent as a sculptor and painter to an entirely new level by fulfilling her desire to help breast cancer survivors.
Kathy’s compassionate heart and giving soul led her to begin tattooing areolas for women who had experienced breast cancer.

“I would hear of women feeling lucky just to be alive. I wanted to support them and help them feel good about themselves again. Doing areola
repigmentation for women on the other side of cancer is particularly rewarding," she says. "It’s not about vanity; it’s about giving them back part of who they are. I feel lucky I can help with the end esthetic part. So often they say they had no idea how much getting areolas back makes them feel whole again—especially realistic areolas!”
Born and raised in Long Beach, California, and residing in Venice Beach for most of her adult life, Kathy worked in TV and film as a head a makeup artist on shows, commercials and music videos. As fate would have it, she ended up on The Wonder Years as lead make-up artist where she met her husband, Steve, the show’s cinemaphotographer. They both thrived in their respective careers, and Kathy bought an existing art school and taught art. What naturally came next was her interest in paramedical tattoos. 

“Los Angeles wasn’t always, but over time in my eyes, became a soulless place,” Kathy says. “Too many people, cars, regulations, homeless, taxes and a high cost of living. Getting around to what should’ve been simple turned into a nightmare.”
She then began researching inspiring, artistic areas to relocate.

“I was looking at cities where people were moving, and Franklin, Tennessee, kept popping up. One visit, and we were hooked.”
The rest is history. They left their prosperous jobs and moved to Tennessee in September 2018, finding their “perfect home” six months ago in Franklin and never looking back.

“We chose our house because it’s flanked by community property with a lake in the backyard. We think we’re in Disneyland every day!”

Call it what you will—a profound talent, a remarkable skill.—but it truly all comes down to compassion. An amazing gift for a truly gifted woman.
In support of breast cancer awareness month, Kathy is offering an October special of 30% off all cosmetic services.
Naturally Beautiful Permanent Cosmetics
Phoenix Salon Suites
Instagram: @kathyconferbrows27

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

  • About 1 in 8 U.S. women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime.
  • In 2019, an estimated 268,600 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in women in the U.S., along with 62,930 new cases of non-invasive (in situ) breast cancer.
  • Approximately 2,670 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in men in 2019. A man’s lifetime risk of breast cancer is about 1 in 883.