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Beyond A Century

Meet Franklin’s 102-year-old Resident, Maxine Eastland

Born on November 6, 1921, in Starkville, Mississippi, Maxine Eastland entered a world that still echoed with the clip-clop of horse-drawn carriages. As she recently celebrated her 102nd birthday, few could have foreseen the incredible journey awaiting this spirited soul.

Embracing a life marked by adaptability and adventure, Maxine, alongside her husband Edward, a bomber pilot in the Army Air Corps, navigated frequent deployments. Reflecting on their moves to Texas, Colorado, California, New York, Washington D.C., Alabama, Germany, and Japan, Maxine insists on the impossibility of choosing a favorite, asserting that, "Life was just an adventure to enjoy!"

Two decades after Edward’s passing, Maxine found love once more, marrying professor David Eastland, who provided 19 years of shared companionship and joy. At 90 and widowed again, Maxine sought a new chapter in her life, moving to Brookdale Franklin to be closer to her daughter and granddaughter.

Maxine's life philosophy is as simple as it is profound: "Enjoy each day at a time—there's something good in every day." From her active childhood immersed in tennis, swimming, and Girl Scouts, to her current routine of exercise classes four times a week, Maxine still holds on to some old-school habits. She favors the company of books over the glow of television and engages fellow residents with her skilled bridge-playing abilities (which she pursued initially just for the refreshments!).

Balancing a cherished past with an open embrace of the present, Maxine explains, "I don’t want to go back to the old days. I'm interested in what happens next." Maxine's life serves as an inspiration to embrace change, find joy in every day, and approach life with a positive outlook. In a world that keeps evolving, Maxine remains a beacon of joy, encouraging us to savor the good in every day.