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BODY20: Every Body Unleashed

Technology Based Training for All Fitness Levels

Getting fit takes effort, discipline, and time. Today, with so many people having hectic schedules, time to work out is often hard to come by. BODY20, now open on Vikings Parkway in Eagan, offers revolutionary, technology-based training that gives you the results you want in a fraction of the time.

BODY20 utilizes personal trainer-led programs in combination with electro-muscular stimulation (EMS) training to help their clients reach their fitness goals. EMS uses painless electrical impulses to stimulate muscle contractions and can be done with or without weights. In a typical 20-minute session, your body will experience more than 150 times more muscle contractions than a conventional workout. Cutting-edge, bio-impedance technology allows BODY20 members to track and monitor their results. It’s not cheating – it’s just a more efficient way of working out.

Training at BODY20 offers numerous results. The lack of heavy weights or pounding on a treadmill enables a high-intensity workout that is low-impact on joints, bones, nerves, and muscles. The extra stimulation given to muscles during a BODY20 session leads to a quicker increase in muscle mass. Workouts also promote the circulation of blood throughout the muscles, which helps to release muscular tension and knots.

Whatever your age or fitness level, your BODY20 sessions are customized to your specific goals. Whether you want to improve physical strength, boost energy, burn maximum calories to aid weight loss, get rid of stubborn fat, and even reduce cellulite, the team at BODY20 can help you more efficiently achieve your goals.

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