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Best friends Victor and Chelsea

Featured Article

Boerne Champion students excel in STEM programs

Chelsea and Victor are just two of the exceptional students in BISD

Article by Connie McFall Clark

Photography by Kate Cooley/Cooley Portraits

Originally published in Boerne Lifestyle

Chelsea Moehle is Champion High School senior and has been involved in STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) programs since she was a freshman, specializing in the engineering curriculum. She told us she had aspirations of becoming a chemist when she was 3 or 4 years old. She began robotics in middle school and loves math and science because it results in black and white answers. It helps her with problem-solving and explains how things work. She is attached to pursuing upper level science studies and how it correlates to life. Chelsea claims through the engineering field she can solve problems or create solutions on her own. At a recent one-day Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering competition she won first place in the science and engineering design challenge. She had the opportunity to work with new materials and team with other students outside the Boerne area. She plans to pursue a major in mechanical engineering. She also introduced us to another outstanding student, her best friend, Victor Guzman. Chelsea and Victor worked on robotics together this year and advanced to state competition though the event was cancelled due to the pandemic restrictions. Chelsea has a great future ahead of her and we wish her much success!

Victor Guzman, a senior at Champion High School and future electrical and mechanical engineer, loves robotics and has since he was at Boerne Middle School South. His dad is an electrical engineer who creates simulated car crashes in a lab for lawsuit investigations. Victor got his inspiration from discussing electronic gadgets with his dad and began building his own. Using mainly YouTube videos as examples, he created his own gadgets, i.e., a punch activated flame thrower. Last summer, along with his mentor at Southwest Research Institute, he started building his own designs for exoskeletons to be used in practical applications. A personal project of his is a self-defense exoskeleton (see photo) and an exoskeleton designed for fire fighters to improve efficiency in the field. It has hydraulics to assist with heavy lifting. He has received some impressive feedback and will have it tested in a real-life situation when it is completed. Victor is applying to several universities including The University of Texas/Austin; MIT; Carnegie Mellon; Cornell and the California Institute of Technology. It was a pleasure getting to know Victor and his career aspirations; we wish him only the best in his future endeavors!