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Brad Perry: Unofficial Brand Ambassador

The "Arizona Daily Mix" Co-Host Reflects on Rebranding at 55

I never thought at 55 years old, with 30+ years of being on television and Emmy Awards, that I would have to rebrand myself. 

But here I am.

Back in the day, it was all about your track record. Today, it’s about followers and likes. Yet, I unapologetically want in on the online claim to fame. 

Us TV people have interesting personalities. We are obsessively curious, creative, and rely on external stimuli, such as people or excitement, to be happy. I accept that I’m adamant about continuing my journey in media’s constant evolution through social media. Dubbing myself an "Unofficial Brand Ambassador," I'm posting about brands I like such as Mark Wahlberg’s company Municipal.

Here are three things I’ve learned about rebranding in my middle age:

1. Read. I favor “The Power of Now” and “You are a Badass." 

2. With experience, I’ve learned to listen, helping me gain a clearer perspective of myself and what people want.

3. As much as I strive to be an overnight sensation, creating a legitimate platform takes patience. 

As for now, I’m challenging myself. In fact, I'm training to be an underwear model and tracking my journey via an Instagram “docugram” @unofficialbrandambassador. 

  • Brad & Mark Wahlberg