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Bridging Communication Gaps

Colleen Tierney's Journey with Speech Warrior

Colleen Tierney's journey into speech therapy began unexpectedly during her undergraduate
years. Where she was initially on a path towards accounting, she unexpectedly found herself captivated by the world of anatomy through a close friend who was studying nursing. This newfound interest prompted her to explore speech pathology, eventually leading her to earn her undergraduate degree in the field in 1988.

Her journey into speech therapy wasn't just a career choice; it became a passion-driven mission to make a difference in children's lives, particularly those facing challenges like autism. Her 32-year tenure in Westwood schools speaks volumes about her dedication and impact. Throughout her career, Colleen specialized in working with children ranging from preschoolers to middle school students, focusing on addressing the communication needs of each child under her care.

One example of her impact includes a time when Colleen worked tirelessly with a non-verbal child with autism, using techniques to help the child communicate effectively with parents, peers and teachers. Her persistence and commitment not only improved the child's ability to express themselves but also fostered a sense of confidence and independence. 

Transitioning from the school system to private practice wasn't a leap she took lightly. Tierney's passion for aiding families of children with speech difficulties fueled her decision. Starting her practice, Speech Warrior, on the side in 2020, she officially launched it in the midst of the pandemic, navigating remote sessions and gradually building her clientele. As demand grew, she expanded her services, ultimately retiring from the school setting to fully devote herself to her private practice. 

“What sets Speech Warrior apart is our deep commitment to bridging the gap between therapy sessions and real-life application,” Tierney shares. “In the school system, the focus was primarily on the child.” But at Speech Warrior, Tierney and her team empower families by educating them on how to support their children's communication development beyond therapy sessions. Their approach is rooted in evidence-based practice, with a particular emphasis on neurodiversity affirmation. 

Looking ahead, Tierney envisions her practice evolving into a comprehensive therapeutic center, offering a wide range of services under one roof to provide holistic support for children's development. Tierney says her ultimate goal is “To create a nurturing environment where families feel confident that their children are receiving the best possible care tailored to their individual needs.” 

Tierney and her team's dedication to their craft, her passion for educating families, and commitment to providing evidence-based, neurodiversity-affirming therapy make her practice a center of support for children and families navigating the challenges of speech and communication disorders.


Phone: (908) 787-8387


Address: 99 Kinderkamack Road, Suite 308 Westwood, NJ 07675

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