Franklin Theatrical Fellowship (FTF) stands as a powerful platform for artistic expression and community connection. This nonprofit theater company is dedicated to bringing exceptional arts programming to the area by engaging audiences with performances that entertain and inspire. With a mission to spread the beauty of the arts and bring people together, FTF provides a diverse array of programming throughout the community.
How did FTF get started?
Melanie Sutton, Managing Artistic Director: We were founded in February 2024 by myself and my co-founder, Ben Gregg. I’ve been in theater most of my life, and when I met Ben through social media, he was looking to produce a play. As we prepared for me to direct 12 Angry Jurors, we decided we wanted to do more than just one show, and FTF was born. It was just the right thing at the right time. I have had this mission and vision for this nonprofit in my heart for a really long time and he gave me the freedom to craft the company that I had envisioned.
How does your mission get displayed in your programs and shows?
MS: The mission of offering theatrical fellowship is bringing human beings together through the shared experience of live theater. I’ve seen how it is unlike anything else in its ability to tell stories that get messages across that matter. There is a power about it. When everyone is gathered in a room together, sharing that experience with the exchange between the actors and the audience, it's just so unique. More than ever I feel like there's a place where we need more live theater, especially in the state our culture is in now. We provide more than just the show to bring people together within our mission. There is a “make yourself home” feel when you walk in, as we show that good Southern hospitality and make others feel welcome by giving them a free item. We also do free talkbacks after every single performance as an opportunity for people to discuss what they've seen and talk about the show with the other patrons and actors. We are getting a bunch of humans in the room, and we just talk and listen to our patrons.
What does FTF hope to accomplish within the community?
MS: We really strive to make the arts more accessible to all young people in our city. We believe that art has this power to bring people together, which makes them happier and healthier, and we want all kids to have the opportunity to do that. Here in Williamson County, I think it's easy to forget that there are families and kids who maybe don't have access to all the same resources, with the same talents, dreams, and passions. There are collaborations that we do with local artists and other non-profit organizations within the area to do things that benefit our community culturally. We really believe that we need more venues for the arts, and places where different art groups can collaborate. There are some amazing things happening in this town, and the number of people moving here is growing so rapidly, but the number of places there are for us to perform are partitive. We have a vision for a shared performing arts venue for some of these smaller non-profit companies where we share a lobby with multiple different performing venues, or rehearsal spaces, dance studios. I believe arts and theater just make communities better as they create a sense of belonging, and I would love to see a hub for that here.
What projects and resources can we expect from FTF?
MS: There are three upcoming plans for FTF. We will be doing an upcoming workshop for the youth through musical theater training. This workshop will feature Broadway & West End leading lady Laura Michelle Kelly (Mary Poppins, Finding Neverland, Beauty & The Beast, etc.) to host a fall and winter series of master classes and workshops for young performing artists. For any kids that want to apply, we can also scholarship them free of charge. We have also been asked to produce some nostalgic holiday theatrical content for the Williamson County History and Culture Center in downtown Franklin in conjunction with the Dickens Festival in December. Finally, we will have our major production January 12-24 at the New Special School District Performing Arts Center.
"The mission of offering theatrical fellowship is bringing human beings together through the shared experience of live theater. I’ve seen how it is unlike anything else in its ability to tell stories that get messages across that matter."