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Building a Brighter Tomorrow

Discover a place for women in need to live and heal with Yesterday’s Gone

After leaving her past of hardships behind, Loree Tamayo was talking with her parents when it struck her how much more challenging life would be if she had children to support and no job.

“That seed got planted in my heart, and once I recovered, I had this dream to do something about it,” says Tamayo.

This evolved into Yesterday’s Gone, a nonprofit that assists women who have endured trauma. It goes far beyond transitional housing, equipping guests with the resources to rewire their brains and open their eyes to a world of possibilities.

“It’s priceless. You can’t pay money for this feeling,” says Tamayo.

The Journey

“I’m thankful that God took what was intended for harm and used it for good, for the saving of many lives. If God said, ‘Would you like a do-over?’ I’d say, ‘Nope, I wouldn’t change a thing.’ Even though it was hard, He knew I was going to come out the other side and be a little redhead force to be reckoned with.”

The Programming

Efforts by Yesterday’s Gone aim to get women out of survival mode and back to having dreams. Some ways they achieve this include enrichment programs to provide a state of normal for the children, dignity dollars to understand money management, and an emphasis on education to prepare for a career. Self-defense and exercise programs are also offered to gain respect for their bodies.

The Mission

“50% of the program is housing, and the other 50% is the counseling, case management, and life coach services. The women get to live on the property for up to a year, working with the coach to become strong and independent. You see the transformation, the peace, the happiness, the recovery—and that makes it all worth it. We’re breaking generations of dysfunctional living.”

The Support

Yesterday’s Gone works hand-in-hand with several local organizations, such as Bluebonnet Trails, Hill Country Community Ministries, Operation Liberty Hill, and Hope Alliance. Tamayo and her team encourage you, too, to join forces in guiding women toward self-sustainability! Head to to see how you can give the gift of sponsoring a GEM, or volunteer for maintenance services, transportation, and family fun nights.