Let’s face it: These are challenging economic times, but it is a good time to establish habits that will be rewarded now and in the future.
Many students have part-time employment or receive allowances from parents, and it is easy to spend, but instead, why not set up an account to save those extra dollars? Good habits give good rewards, and UFirst Credit Union has come up with rewarding incentive programs.
Pay-for Grades
UFirst recognizes the challenges students face now or may face in the future. For some, each semester may feel like a struggle with no end in sight. But UFirst also recognizes doing well in school is always worth it! That’s why they created the Pay-for-Grades program to reward high achievers.
Students just need to take their final grade report into any UFirst Credit Union branch location, and the credit union will deposit $5 per “A” (or equivalent) up to $40 into a student’s account. They support education through all phases of life, so students of any age may participate in the Pay-for-Grades program. The important thing is to set up an account and get started.
Get $100
To show even more support for students, UFirst is offering students who open an account a chance to earn up to $100. That’s just like cash deposited straight into your new account.
UFirst recognizes students are busy with classes, homework, family, friends and extracurricular activities, so they have made it easy to earn up to $100!
Here is how: Open a new account and get $50. After six months, if the account is in good standing, UFirst will deposit an additional $50.
It’s that easy!
For more information, visit ufirst.com.