In the heart of downtown Dayton, lies a beacon of hope for children and families facing medical challenges—Dayton Children's Hospital. At the core of this institution's mission is the relentless pursuit of optimal health for every child within their reach. Behind this goal is the Dayton Children's Foundation, a driving force that actively integrates philanthropy into the hospital's strategic planning process.
“Every dollar donated to Dayton Children’s directly supports our programs and services, from the latest equipment and technology to day-to-day supplies, research, training, building projects, community outreach and much more. There truly is not an area of the hospital that is not impacted by philanthropy,” explains Jena Pado, chief development officer for Dayton Children’s.
When the community pulls together to support the hospital great things happen. Radio station K99.1FM (Cox Media) recently hosted its annual Cares for Kids Radiothon, broadcasting live for 12 hours straight to fundraise for the hospital. They were able to raise an astonishing $217,284 allowing the hospital to purchase a new mobile intensive care unit (MICU) – a specialized ambulance used for transporting the most seriously ill and injured children.
“We are incredibly fortunate to have a caring community of donors here in the Miami Valley,” expresses Jena.
The Foundation is committed to addressing the most urgent needs identified by the hospital. The focus includes expanding mental health services, removing barriers to optimal health for children and advancing pediatric care through innovation in the medical field.
The new behavioral health building that broke ground on Valley Street in 2023 is a testament to their dedication to mental health care. This facility will not only accommodate more children during a mental health crisis but also provide comprehensive care, including inpatient care, crisis center support, day treatment outpatient programs and preventive services.
Dayton Children's Foundation goes beyond medical treatments by providing what they call "wraparound care." This approach encompasses preventive measures, such as school resources and mental health resources through the On Our Sleeves program and more.
“Food insecurity is a leading indicator of poor health outcomes,” shares Jena. “The Food Pharm can provide emergency food assistance to families while helping connect them to long-term support resources. We also offer free cooking and nutrition classes to help families learn how to cook healthy meals and how nutrition impacts overall health.”
Every dollar the Foundation receives makes a difference. Their work is an ongoing journey, and the community's support remains pivotal in creating brighter futures for families.
“Dayton Children’s is so fortunate to have a very caring community that wants to actively help and support our children. But kids will never stop needing care. There will always be another family entering the hospital on the worst day of their lives, receiving the news that their child has cancer, a complex diagnosis or a lifelong illness. Our mission is to be there for those kids and families no matter what, with whatever they need – to make sure every child receives care that’s just as special as they are,” says Jena.
There are countless ways to get involved in supporting Dayton Children’s Foundation, including one-time donations to workplace giving campaigns, gift drives, 5K races, planned gifts or IRA rollover gifts. Supporting the Foundation can come in the form of advocacy by sharing social media posts, or even volunteering with one of the Auxiliaries – the TWIGs and Women’s Board. Every donation and action has a meaningful impact and helps Dayton Children’s continue to go above and beyond in providing care to every child, every time.
“Whether you make a one-time donation, a monthly gift, host a fundraiser or buy a balloon at a Children’s Miracle Network partner store, you are truly making a difference in the lives of families who live and work in our region,” conveys Jena.
Dayton Children’s is always working to continue their mission into the future. “The children in our community deserve the very best. There will always be more work to do. With our community, we will continue to do more to support every baby, child and teen and create brighter futures for families in our region. We want to thank everyone who has stepped up to make that vision a reality,” expresses Jena.
For more information on The Dayton Children’s Foundation or to donate, visit
“Every dollar donated to Dayton Children’s directly supports our programs and services, from the latest equipment and technology to day-to-day supplies, research, training, building projects, community outreach and much more.”
“There will always be another family entering the hospital on the worst day of their lives. Our mission is to be there for those kids and families with whatever they need – to make sure every child receives care that’s just as special as they are.”