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Cat Rescue Tales

Cat-loving authors chronicle heartfelt cat stories in Second Chance Cats

Every pet has a story, but author Patricia Avery-Pursley chooses to write them down. Inside her computer are vivid little narratives about her pets’ lives, their quirks, funny antics and how she came to rescue each from hardship. Patricia, who worked for years in book publishing, documented multiple stories over the years as a way to memorialize her beloved pets after they passed away. She never imagined sharing the pet stories with anyone else. 

That is, until now.  

Patricia and fellow writer Kelly McCardy-Fuller are newly featured in the book “Second Chance Cats,” a collection of 33 true stories about cats and the humans who rescued them. The stories are heartwarming tales of cat-rescuers who give their feline friends a second chance at life and in return receive companionship, comfort and love. 

“I think most people believe that cats are sneaky, loners, uncaring and self-centered,” Patricia says. “Well, yes, all of that is true, but they also have a sense of humor and built-in curiosity.” 

Patricia writes about SugarBear, a stray brown manx, who one day sashayed her way into Patricia’s home and claimed a spot in her sunroom. SugarBear was also known to lounge on the roof and play peek-a-boo. She was a sassy, but tough street cat who once survived a fierce storm that took down trees and knocked out Patricia’s electricity. 

After Patricia learned about the book, she got in touch with Kelly. The two friends met at their Creekside-neighborhood book club and shared cat-rescue stories. In the book, Kelly writes about her cat Loki who she rescued after finding him with a damaged tooth, missing patches of fur and a BB-gun bullet lodged in his ear. Kelly took Loki for medical treatment, bathed him daily to heal a horrible skin condition and slowly nursed him back to health. 

“He went from this scrappy little disgusting-looking thing, to this plump, loving affectionate cat,” Kelly says. Loki would cuddle and comfort Kelly, who at the time was struggling emotionally as her youngest daughter prepared to leave for college. Caring for poor Loki provided a welcome distraction, Kelly says. 

Both writers hope their stories and the book as a whole can help others realize the value cats bring to our everyday lives. They help their owners cope with illnesses or provide solace during trying times. 

“The whole theme of the book,” Kelly says. “Is how cats really rescue the humans. Not really humans rescuing the cats.”

“Second Chance Cats” is available for purchase online and at bookstores.