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Interviewing Mike Posner

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Celeb-Infused Takeaways from Experiencing VeeCon

Interviews with DeAndre Jordan, Lewis Howes and Mike Posner

As a Paradise Valley-based Concierge Sports & Performance Psychiatrist, it was up my alley to attend VeeCon 2024 and gain valuable insights from overly impressive and inspirational individuals.

Held in Los Angeles over three action-packed days, VeeCon flaunts a conference-meets-festival scene bringing together thought leaders in business, marketing, technology, innovation, sports, pop-culture, and entertainment. The goal: to inspire connection, creativity and growth.

I had the privilege of interviewing several leading voices, including NBA champion DeAndre Jordan, LA Galaxy SVP of Business Operations Thomas Braun, singer Mike Posner, mind architect Peter Crone, author Lewis Howes, and mindfulness expert Case Kenny.

Despite each person’s unique journey, I was struck by specific common denominators. All my interviewees were adamant that one’s mental mindset is a key player to their success. Another parallel practice among my interviews was the importance of incorporating multiple mindfulness and wellness practices into their day, such as cold plunge, sauna, meditation, yoga, etc.

Here are a few excerpts from some of my discussions.

Mike Posner, Grammy-nominated artist (who also summited Mt. Everest)

Talking about mental preparation and visualization, do you apply that to your performances and concerts too ahead of time?

Posner: Before I go to rehearsal with the band and sing, I rehearse in my mind. It’s important to do that because you can go really slowly and go the speed you need to go to make no mistakes. Then, by the time you are in the rehearsal studio or on stage, you’ve done it so many times that it doesn’t feel like the first time.

DeAndre Jordan, NBA Champion, Denver Nuggets

Was there ever a time where you experienced a mental health struggle, whether it be anxiety or low mood, and how did you overcome that?

Jordan: Yeah, I definitely have experienced some low times and low moods, but they don't last forever. If you think the world is crashing down on you, then it's a lot to handle, and you can't be a great person, can't be a great teammate, and can't be a great partner if you're not right within yourself. I think for me it is simply being able to look at myself in the mirror, take a second, and take a break. It is these things that are extremely important when it comes to our mental health, physical health and optimal performance.

Lewis Howes, New York Times best-selling author and host of “The School of Greatness,” one of the top growth mindset podcasts in the world

What role does mental skills training play for athletes or what role do you think it should play in terms of preparation and training?

Howes: I think it's everything. I’ve worked with a lot of top pro athletes. I've been blessed to interview top pro athletes. In fact, I just was in Paris and saw Novak Djokovic win the Gold. I rewatched our interview had asked him how he prepares so that when he's down or in a stressful moment, he doesn't let his mindset snap. His response was simple: to breathe. I think mental training is connecting to your body. Too often we're too in our head that we don't take a deep breath and allow our nervous system to be calm in stressful situations.

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"For me, it is simply being able to look at myself in the mirror, take a second, and take a break." -DeAndre Jordan, NBA Champion

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