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Inner Harmony

Simple practices to connect with yourself and embrace a more balanced life this year

As a yoga instructor and energetic wellness coach, I believe in the transformative power of understanding ourselves from the inside out. When we connect deeply with our inner landscape, we can experience the world around us in a more balanced and joyful way. This January marks my ninth year teaching yoga through the chakras, or “energetic wheels” that run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, offering a powerful system for self-discovery. Here are some affirmations and yoga poses you can do on your own to connect with these different areas of our bodies. 

In yoga Sanskrit, the base of our spine represents stability, grounding, and security. Reflect on areas where you feel secure or insecure—home, finances, or your body. Journaling, connecting with nature, and grounding yoga poses like Child’s Pose or Tree Pose can help. Affirmations such as “I am safe, I matter, I am secure” foster grounded-ness.

This area located below the navel is said to govern creativity and emotions. Engage in joyful activities like painting, dancing, or cooking, and connect with people who inspire you. Hip-opening yoga poses, such as Pigeon or Goddess Pose, promote emotional release. Affirmations such as “I embrace my creativity; I enjoy my passions” encourage self-expression.

3.Solar Plexus
Some believe the upper abdomen symbolizes confidence and decision-making. Strengthen this area through goal-setting and core-focused poses like Plank or twists. Affirmations such as “I am confident, I trust my decisions” enhance self-assurance.


Yoga teachings suggest that love and compassionate feelings lie in our chest. Practice gratitude journaling and acts of kindness to cultivate connection. Heart-opening poses like Bridge Pose, Bow Pose and Humble Warrior promote self-compassion. Affirmations such as “I am worthy of love” nurture the heart.

Speak your truth confidently, practice active listening, and release tension with poses like Puppy Pose or Cat Cow. Try repeating affirmations such as “I speak my truth with kindness.”

Whether focusing on one area of your body or all, the journey brings peace, clarity, and alignment with your highest potential. Here’s to a year of connection and fulfillment.

About the Author
Lauri Stern, a 200-hour registered yoga teacher, is certified in Reiki and chakra balancing. She offers coaching, workshops, and retreats through her business, Custom Designed Wellness. Listen to her podcast, The Real and the Woo with Lauri Stern, on iTunes and Spotify, or follow her on Instagram @customdesignedwellness.