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This mural brightens up the Chamblee MARTA Station.

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The Shaping of Chamblee Public Arts

Bringing the community together with art

Teneisha Jones has always had a love for art, so it’s no surprise this Chamblee resident joined Chamblee’s first Public Arts Commission about four years ago. Now Teneisha has taken on the role of the city’s first Public Arts Coordinator. We met with Teneisha to talk about her new role and what’s in store for Chamblee in the way of Public Arts.

Tell us about the projects you’ve been involved in so far.

Since I took this role, we have continued moving forward with our 2023 budget, which includes the purchase of four sculptures, the high school mural, and the Chalk Walk, which was much bigger this year than prior years.  

How did the high school mural project come about?

The city has wanted to work with the high school on an art project, and it just hadn’t lined up. This year I happened to get in a meeting with the high school art teachers the day before school started and the timing was perfect. Students competed to create the design and the Public Arts Commission chose the winning design.

Can you tell us about the sculptures that are being purchased?

We have four sculptures being purchased this year, but installation may not be completed until next year. Two are coming from the Roswell Arts Program as a city-to-city purchase. Then a very big sculpture is going in the green space between the old city hall and the new city hall. And the fourth is our first non-local sculpture.

How does it feel to have a big part in the city’s Public Arts and also be a resident?

There’s so much going on in Chamblee and that’s amazing to see as a resident. And as a resident, I feel like my heart is really in the job. I’m so invested in making Chamblee a beautiful place to walk around, and hopefully, to become an arts destination. Come for this event but stay and see the art!

What do you think Public Art means for a community?

I think public art brings community members together. Performing art brings everyone physically together. On the other hand, a mural - you may not physically be together, but you’re experiencing the same piece. It brings people together through conversation and a sense of place. This is where I live, and this is where the art is.

For information on Chamblee's Public Art and the Arts Master Plan, visit