Frisco Garden Club volunteer members and supporters will celebrate the club's 90th anniversary at the annual Wildflower Luncheon on April 29. This will be the first luncheon since 2019, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The group's mission revolves around beautification of the city in a variety of ways. They also provide educational programs and resources for Frisco residents, in addition to working in partnership with leaders of Frisco, local VFW and American Legion posts and the Frisco Heritage Association.
Themed “Tablescapes” are the focus of the luncheon, which execute creative, beautiful, fun, quirky and festive concepts. Seats can be reserved for $63 each, and organizers indicate reservations are required. The event will be held at the Stonebriar Country Club, 5050 Country Club Drive, beginning with registration and a silent auction/raffle at 10:30 a.m.
This year's guest speaker at the luncheon is historian, humorist, author and 1973 Paper Moon movie actress, Rose-Mary Rumbley, who is herself turning 90 years young this September and is considered a rock star among the region's senior set.
The first Wildflower Luncheon was held in 2003 to raise funds for the Freedom Meadow Memorial Project. It since became the group's signature fundraising community event. Funds raised during the luncheon go toward Frisco Education Foundation scholarships for Frisco ISD seniors, and education programs for Boys & Girls Club projects and the PlantSMART website, in addition to beautification efforts at the city's parks.
Believed to be Frisco's oldest, continual civic organization, the club started on April 22, 1932, when 15 women held an organizational meeting. Donna Schmittler, treasurer and former club president 2010-2013, says Ester Warren was elected as the club's first president. Interestingly, Ester's son, Bob Warren, became mayor of Frisco between 1990-1996.
The earliest Frisco Garden Club meetings took place in members' homes. Membership was limited to 30 members and dues started at 25 cents. On Nov. 12, 1932, the Frisco Garden sponsored its first flower show. In 1947, the Frisco Garden Club donated a war memorial urn to the city and began partnering with local chapter members of the VFW to sponsor Memorial Day observances.
Frisco residents also know of the club members' endeavors through community service activities, such as Arbor Day Celebrations, 9/11 observances, the Buffalo Stomp Seed Spreading, the Crozier-Sickles House and the Plant SMART Demonstration Garden for water conservation.
Club membership is $25 annually. During typical years, the group meets during the third Tuesday each month, September through May at 10 a.m. They take the summer off to tend their gardens. Anyone interested in joining is welcome to first attend as a guest.
This 501(c)(3) nonprofit also accepts financial donations.