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Featured Article

Chill Out!

Article by Judy Beaudin

Photography by Judy Beaudin

Originally published in Franklin Lifestyle

The joy of cooling off with ice cream on a hot day is one of the best perks of summertime. Ice cream sandwiches have been one of my favorite simple indulgences since I was a kid. I remember the blissful task of racing to eat the entire thing before my hands were
covered in a delicious melty mess. Try my fresh takes on the classic with these tasty ice cream sandwiches you can make right at home. A s’mores inspired version gives a new twist to the campfire favorite. Fresh summer corn is the star ingredient in a don’t-knock-it-til-you-try-it chilly treat that might surprise you in the best way. One base cookie dough, one base ice cream… endless flavor possibilities. The versatility of these recipes makes easy work of creating any variety you choose by substituting your own favorite mix-ins.

S’mores Ice Cream Sandwiches
Yield: 8 sandwiches

1 recipe Base Cookie Dough + Mix-ins:
5 full size graham crackers, broken into ¼” pieces
1 cup milk chocolate chips
1 ½ cup mini marshmallows
1 recipe Base Ice Cream + Mix-ins:
2 cups mini marshmallows, toasted 1-2 minutes under a broiler
1 cup mini marshmallows, untoasted
Assemble by placing a disc of Toasted Marshmallow Ice Cream on a cooled bottom-side-up S’mores Cookie. Top with a second cookie, bottom side down. Freeze sandwiches for 2 hours.

Sweet Corn Ice Cream Sandwiches
Yield: 8 sandwiches

1 Recipe Base Cookie Dough + Mix-ins:
1 cup fresh corn kernels
1 ½ cups lightly crushed Corn Chex cereal
2x recipe Base Ice Cream + Mix-ins:
8 ears fresh corn, kernels cut off and milk scraped from cobs into separate bowl
Assemble by placing a disc of Sweet Corn Ice Cream on a cooled bottom-side-up Sweet Corn Cookie. Top with a second cookie, bottom side down.
Freeze sandwiches 2 hours.

Base Cookie Dough
Yield: 30 single cookies (you’ll have extra)
2¾ cups all-purpose flour
¾ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup unsalted butter, softened
½ cup light brown sugar
1 cup sugar
2 eggs, room temperature
2 teaspoons vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 350º.
Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
In a medium bowl, whisk flour, baking soda, and salt.
In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat sugar and butter for 2 minutes on medium.
On low speed, add vanilla. Add eggs one at a time, blending just until combined.
Slowly add flour mixture. Add mix-ins of choice and stir.
Using a 2” cookie scoop, place 3” apart on cookie sheets.
Bake 10-12 minutes or until edges are lightly browned.
Transfer to a cooling rack.
*Pro tip: If cookies spread, gently place 3” round cutter used for ice cream over hot cookie and carefully guide edges into the round.

Base Ice Cream:
Yield: 1 quart including mix-ins
¾ cup granulated sugar
5 egg yolks
2 cups heavy whipping cream
1 cup whole milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1. Beat sugar and egg yolks until pale yellow and thick.
2. In a saucepan, bring cream, milk, and vanilla to a simmer over medium heat.
3. Slowly whisk ½ cup of hot milk mixture into egg mixture, whisking constantly.
4. Pour back into saucepan with remaining hot milk.
5. Over medium-low, stir constantly until just boiling.
6. Transfer to a bowl. Refrigerate 3 hours.
7. Add custard to an ice cream maker. Churn according to manufacturer’s directions.
8. Line a 9x13 baking dish with wax paper, 2 ends extending beyond edges. Spread ice cream evenly into pan. Freeze for 6 hours.
9. Lift out of pan and cut into rounds using a 3” round cookie cutter.

For Toasted Marshmallow Ice Cream:
Add the 2 cups toasted marshmallows during Step 5. Stir until melted.
After Step 7, stir in untoasted marshmallows.

For Sweet Corn Ice Cream:
Set aside ½ cup corn kernels.
Pulse remaining kernels and scraped corn milk in a blender or food processor until pureed.

During Step 4, add corn mixture to saucepan.
After Step 7, stir in reserved kernels.