City Lifestyle

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Tiny Tot Town Coloring Contest Winner!

5-Year-Old Esme Holmes took the grand prize!

In April of this year, Bal Swan Children's Center held the inaugural Tiny Tot Town event at the Broomfield High School Gymnasium. It was a huge success, and we were thrilled to participate! Hundreds of families had a great time experiencing a tot-sized version of a town, including a variety of Broomfield businesses, from photography to banking to restaurants and more. They had a blast teaching kids about the services they provide while having a ton of fun!

Speaking of fun, Broomfield Lifestyle hosted a coloring contest featuring an illustration of a Josh's Pond, a local landmark of deep sentimental meaning. The colorful approach of 5-year-old Esme Holmes captured the essence of Josh's Pond. She received a brand new coloring kit, including a gift card to Rails End Beer Company for mom and dad.

A big THANK YOU to all who participated!