I think we’ve all been there. You run your A/C all day during the long summer days, and the house still will not cool down. Or maybe you have a noisy neighbor that keeps you up. Maybe you already started to consider getting new windows or the issue of light, noise, and temperature just sparked your interest now.
Replacing your windows will definitely help with efficiency in lowering your electric and gas bills. Not only do they help with saving financially in the long run, but they can also help reduce noise and give your home a nice face lift to help increase your home’s value. Before you make that big investment, here are some things to know.
When replacing your windows, there is no standard size. Retrofitting your windows means custom sizes. Do not let the word “custom” scare you though. It simply just means not every house is designed the same so every home has custom windows. There are different types of materials you can use for windows. Vinyl, being the most common, can vary in quality. Not all vinyl windows are created equal. Some small shops will take the shortcut and make their own windows and have their vinyl transported from other countries. This vinyl may lack titanium dioxide and calcium carbonate, two ingredients that help stabilize and protect the vinyl against the harsh elements.
Our trusted manufacturers know this is why they include these ingredients and explain why they have been around for decades with warranties you can rely on. When it comes to windows, there are no shortcuts. We take pride in using all American made products from manufacturers that honor their warranties. We are aware of the difference and make sure we are only supplying products we would want in our homes.