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Core Health For All

'Pilates Will Meet You, No Matter Where You Are With Fitness Goals'

Mayra Rosner, owner/operator of Club Pilates Newtown, always was into physical fitness. She came to pilates, however, by “accident.”

Mayra was working hard by lifting and keeping fit at the gym, and developed two herniated discs from the strenuous regimen she kept. Her physical therapist recommended something gentle on the body, specifically pilates. She listened and began the practice of pilates that would change her career and life.

Mayra got her certificate in pilates and began teaching it. As her children grew older, Mayra started thinking about owning her own studio. The franchise of Club Pilates was a perfect fit at a perfect time for Mayra. 

In June of 2019, Mayra opened Club Pilates Newtown and quickly followed with Club Pilates Doylestown in May 2021. 

Mayra loves the concept of pilates for everyone. She says Club Pilates offers this through a price point that’s more affordable than traditional reformer/equipment pilates. 

She maintained her customer base through Covid-19 by offering free virtual classes, When it was time to resume in-person; an HVAC filter, additional cleaning, and 6 feet spread of equipment helped members feel comfortable returning. “I’m proud we were able to remain sustainable, and even expand, during these trying years,” she adds.

City Lifestyle Newtown asked Mayra for tips regarding how to keep New Year’s Resolutions that are hard to remember by the time winter thaws. She says pilates can be that easy-to-follow path on journeys to fitness.

  1. Every movement involves the core. Lack of core strength can result in pain in the back, knees and more. Pilates is all about the core. Improvement in all areas happens quickly because of focus on the core. 

  2. Although we’re creatures of habit, don’t let that fool you. One of the reasons people fall off a fitness program is boredom. Pilates is always new! Different exercises, equipment, and routine help keep it fresh.

  3. Pilates really can be for everyone. Because it’s low impact, you can find a routine that works for you and helps you build strength and flexibility.

  4. Pilates is a full body workout, so you’ll see your whole body changing fast. This inspires and motivates us to keep going. 

  5. Partner workouts make pilates social and increase accountability.

  6. Pilates increases your confidence in knowing how your body works and helps you feel good physically-which, of course, makes you feel good psychologically.

Club Pilates Newtown is located in the Newtown Shopping next to ACME Markets; potential new clients can inquire about complimentary, introductory classes.

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