Mother Teresa once said, “There is a light in this world, a healing spirit more powerful than any darkness we may encounter. We sometimes lose sight of this force when there is suffering, too much pain. Then suddenly, the spirit will emerge through the lives of ordinary people who hear a call and answer in extraordinary ways.”
This story is about strength of our communities, families and nation. Frisco Strong. Through all negative headlines, tragic stories and heartbreaks, we continue to rise.
I've witnessed firsthand many stories you won’t read in the news. Ordinary people who hear the call to support neighbors and friends, and answer in extraordinary ways. The meal and food baskets delivered to first responders. The florist that continues to pay workers during shutdown out of her own pocket. The auto repair shop that fixes a single mom’s car for free because she didn’t have money for repairs. The list is long.
As a young man growing up in Chicago's South Side, there were many opportunities to get discouraged, get in the trap of poor decisions and distractions. I was blessed by the inspiration and guidance of so many “ordinary” people.
It all starts with family, friends, teachers and other individuals in the community. This was my community, my foundation. When there was tragedy, we reached out. When there was pain, we comforted. When there was someone hungry, we fed them. When someone needed inspiration, it was given. That was our spirit.
As a 20-year resident of Frisco, I’m happy to announce the spirit to answer the call is alive-and-well in Frisco and our surrounding communities.
Remember the words of Mother Teresa: ”Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” We're all in this together. Frisco Strong.
I knew when I first met Kevin that he truly was a man with a kind heart. Through this inspirational and heart-felt message, I know you will feel the same. Standing strong together is most definitely shining bright in Frisco. We are better together. Frisco Strong. ~Becka