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Tyler Widmann at la Padella

Featured Article

Italian Cosmo Warmth

This Italian Cosmopolitan is an Inviting Twist on the Classic Favorite

Tyler Widmann at la Padella in Media offers up an Italian Cosmo. You may never have heard of one of the key ingredients. Tuaca is an Italian brandy with subtle notes of vanilla and Mediterranean citrus, hints of butterscotch, cola, and dried fig. Amaretto, another ingredient, is an Italian almond-flavored liqueur that originated in Saronno, Lombardy. Combining these two ingredients along with Stoli, cranberry, and lime creates a warming and aromatic profile in a Cosmopolitan.


Using a cocktail shaker with ice, combine:

  • 1 oz Amaretto
  • 1.5 oz Stoli Vodka
  • .5 oz Tuaca 
  • .5 oz Cranberry Juice
  • .5 oz Lime

Shake and strain into a martini glass. Garnish with a slice of lime.  Happy hours are Tuesday through Sunday, 3-5 p.m.

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