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Creating a Corporate Culture of Giving

How a local company built their soaring company on intentional generosity and how you can too

Arise Homes Business Partners Austin Chamberlin and Matt Mabe have created a culture of intentional giving, and it’s a non-negotiable tenet at their successful Overland Park-based company. 

“As a company that is passionate about giving back to the community, Arise Homes encourages everyone to look outside their own world, help those less fortunate, and be a part of something bigger than yourself,” they say. 

In 2009, Matt and Austin started a property development company. Then, in 2018, while attending a Christian Business Men’s Connection (CBMC) meeting, they met speaker Rick Betenbough, whose Texas company ranked in the 50th largest homebuilders nationwide. That relationship led them to start Arise Homes in 2019 with a new way of doing business, transforming their hearts for “marketplace ministry” and greatly impacting their families, team members and business outreach.

“Even though financial growth is important and rewarding, it comes when you get the other things right first,” they say.

To adopt a culture of giving, the businessmen began with a purpose statement and their core values of growth, consistency, excellence, unity and service to others. 

“A loving and giving culture is not taught but rather caught. This is the heartbeat of our company, and it helps us to stay focused on blessing others in both big and small ways.” 

Matt and Austin add that giving doesn’t always mean writing a check. Furthermore, they don’t wait for people to ask for help, they seek them out. 

For example, they gave a single mom a new minivan because hers kept breaking down. They’ve coordinated meals for the hungry and served the homeless alongside Scraps KC. They give to their employees’ needs and match their employees’ gifts to others. Last year, they set aside a portion of profits to fund a giving account, donating more than $100,000 to non-profits and ministries. 

Most exciting are the all-expenses-paid “Vision trips,” provided to employees and their families after employment of one year. “These trips foster growth and enhance relationships while experiencing the impact of what God is doing with mission partners locally and around the world.”

Vision trips have included working with the Palau Ministry Festival in Argentina, Narrow Gate Ministry in Tennessee, and Youth With a Mission Homes of Hope in Costa Rica.     

“Traveling to Costa Rica to work beside a deserving family and YWAM staff to build a 16- x 20-foot home in four days for a family that lives in a shack is life-changing for them and for us. Putting a roof over their head, a lock on their door and working electricity provides shelter, comfort and protection, but it also helps change the family’s mindset from poverty to hope for generations.”

How to Create a Culture of Giving at Your Workplace:

  • Giving will look different for every company, so define your Purpose Statement to guide you. Then, simply be intentional. It’s one small step followed by another. 

  • Give from the first fruits of your business, not what’s left over. Whether it’s a good or bad market, pre-decide to be faithful to bless others. 

  • Generosity cannot be a seasonal fad. It must pump as the lifeblood of your organization, and it must start with the leadership. 

  • Meet monthly to discuss giving, ask for suggestions from your team, allowing them to be hands-on in working with not-for-profits.  

  • Remember, it’s truly more blessed to give than to receive.  

“While we were worried about not having our coffee this morning, someone else was worried about not having a meal today. When we were worried about our cabinets being outdated, someone else was worried about finding a safe place to sleep tonight. This is the bigger picture we all struggle to see and are in constant need of reminders to maintain our perspective.”