When we think about being healthy in the new year, we think of exercise and nutrition, and we tend to overlook how much our environment affects us in achieving a healthy lifestyle. Our homes are where we spend most of our time, so it’s crucial to figure out how to create a comfortable and healthy home. Here are some simple steps you can take in the new year to ensure you’re living green and clean.
1. Get an air purifier. The first step to clean living is to make sure you’re breathing clean air. More than 80% of our lives are spent indoors, and improving that indoor air quality will drastically impact your quality of life. This purified air will improve allergy symptoms by reducing dust and trapping allergens like pet dander and dust mites.
2. Avoid toxic cleaning chemicals. You can avoid the harmful side effects that come with using chemical-based cleaning supplies. It’s easy to create your own cleaning products at home using products that most of us have lying around the house. Essential oils, vinegar, baking soda, soap, and water can be combined to create effective and healthy products for the home. If you don’t want to DIY your cleaning products, then look for products that are plant-based and non-toxic.
3. Cut the clutter. We have heard time and again that clutter creates stress in the home. A cluttered or dirty home can cause us to feel overwhelmed. Start small by keeping flat surfaces like counters and tables cleared off. It’s easy to build off of that and tackle other spaces that need decluttering. Keeping the chaos to a minimum will keep your stress levels down and create a peaceful home for everyone.
4. Clean out your pantry. Many people begin the new year inspired to pursue clean diets and exercise plans. If you want to maintain that healthy lifestyle throughout the year, it’s a must to clear out the pantry of junk food and food with empty calories. It’s a temptation to keep this food in the home, so start fresh and rid your space of all processed junk food that will keep you from your health goals.
5. Plant a garden. There are many benefits to planting a garden, including reducing stress levels and providing a great way to get exercise. If you don’t have an abundance of space in your yard, then start simple with a small box garden. You will reap the benefits of herbs and vegetables in the springtime when everything starts to bloom.
6. Create a space that appeals to your senses. Choose a color pallet that you like and paint the walls or find decor/accessories that lean into that color scheme, purchase artwork that is meaningful or hang photos of family or travel experiences that will boost your spirits when you see it, play soothing music or add a water element for soothing sounds, diffuse your favorite essential oils and create your own signature home scent, and bring in textures that you love for home accessories to cozy up your space.