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Build your career wih intention

Featured Article

Transform Your Future

Find inspiration and the right direction for a career that truly challenges and fulfills you

Article by Pamela Kleibrink Thompson

Photography by Lance Thompson and Diego Cervo

Originally published in Boise Lifestyle

The start of the year is a time for new beginnings and setting goals. Many people focus on physical goals–getting in shape after the holiday feasting. But what about your career? 

With COVID, many people examined their work lives and recognized that they were not being fulfilled, resulting in the Great Resignation. Some people found opportunity in other places and made a change.

Perhaps you remained loyal to your company and now you realize you are bored, not advancing and not growing. You are stagnating. If you’re struggling to find opportunities to grow and move up, it might be time to get your career in shape.

Does your career and the role you’re in satisfy your needs? Does it allow you to pay your bills, have a lifestyle you want and give you flexibility and freedom to do the things that are important to you?

Is it the career you want? Are you able to follow your passions? Do you feel fulfilled by what you are doing? Are you inspired and challenged at work and challenged in a good way? Are you learning as well as earning?

If you answered "no" to several of these questions, it might be time to consider other options. We have a saying at our house, just because you are good at something doesn’t mean you should do it. You might have a talent for science and math, but if you would rather write children’s books or build houses, maybe you should consider a change.

Here are a few suggestions that might help you to do that. 

Meet with people who are doing what you think you might enjoy. These informational interviews will help you envision and create the career you want.

Build a nest egg while you are exploring your options. Financial resources will enable you to take risks. Knowing what you need to pay your bills without stress is vital before you make a move.

A new role might require learning new skills and knowledge, but whether it does or not, be a lifelong learner. Stay curious. 

Be open to trying something new. Even if it doesn’t work out the first time, try something else. Forgive yourself for mistakes made and move on.

Network to find work that pays more both financially and psychically. Find people who will advocate for you and champion you for the coveted positions. And don’t hesitate to advocate for yourself. Utilize Linkedin to post your opinions, strategies and thoughts, and become known as an expert in your field. Speak up. Don’t hesitate to brag about your accomplishments, especially if you are seeking a new role.

Build a solid support network for yourself. You don’t have to go it alone. Seek a mentor or a coach who can help you identify strategies and define your goals.

It takes time to get in shape physically. It also takes time to get your career in shape. Keep at it. Persevere. Start today to get your career in shape. Get the career you want, need, and deserve -- a career you look forward to, that fulfills your needs and desires.  

 We have a saying at our house, just because you are good at something doesn’t mean you should do it.