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Creekside Pet Care

Creekside 24/7 Pet Care Center offers tips to help kids care for their pets

Creekside Pet Care Center is a full-service 24/7 Keller/Southlake-area veterinary hospital with onsite grooming, daycare and boarding services. Creekside’s veterinary services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with a state-of-the-art emergency care facility. Creekside’s professional and courteous healthcare team aspires to excellence in medical treatment, quality and client service, utilizing cutting-edge knowledge, equipment and techniques to care for pets and exceed their families’ expectations. The Creekside family loves pets!

A pet can be a wonderful friend and companion, as well as a source of love, support, laughter, play and togetherness. For children and teens who are helping to care for family pets, Creekside offers helpful advice for year-round care, especially during the hot summer and early fall months, when temperatures and humidity can be high.

Being out and about

When crossing a street, always keep your dog secure to your side. Make sure you have a tight, close grip and that the dog is near your body with no slack in the leash while you cross. Stop the dog at the curb as you look both ways before crossing.

While kids often enjoy taking their pets for walks, they should be made aware of the extreme heat potential of walking their pet on a hot summer day, especially in Texas, where temperatures can reach 100 degrees or more. If you can put the back of your hand on the concrete and feel a burn, then it’s not safe to walk your pet.

A good tip for walking, when it’s safe to do so, is to bring a water canister on your belt or leash with a small bowl. Keeping your dog hydrated while out on warm days can protect your pet’s health.

Make sure your dog is secure, close to you and in control when you walk by other people with pets – and don’t assume that just because your dog is friendly, the other dog is too. Never pet someone else’s dog without asking first, and hopefully the other owner will extend the same courtesy to you and your pet.


Riding a bike with your dog on a leash can be dangerous, the Creekside staff advises.

“Some dogs, if so trained, can run with a bike, but it’s like sprinting at full speed while their companion is riding. Pets aren’t able to stop the way a bike can, and the intense speed of running to keep up causes tears and rips in their paws,” Creekside notes.

Leashes can also get caught in bikes, and dogs can unexpectedly cross in front of bikes while they’re in motion.

Backyard, party and pool considerations

Bulldogs, pugs, French bulldogs, Boston terriers and even some pit bulls - basically dogs with what are called “smooshy” faces - shouldn’t be walked at all during the day. They’re not very strong breathers, and their short snouts don’t allow them to pant fast enough to keep up with the heat.

It’s also advisable to be cautious if you’re having a pool party or enjoying time in your backyard. Many dogs like to be in the water and swim, but if they are inhaling or taking in too much chlorinated water, it can create serious health issues. Give your pets access to fresh water while outside, and encourage them to drink that instead of pool water, the Creekside team says.

Dog drownings can occur when people aren’t paying attention, or when a dog has been swimming for long periods of time. Give their cardiovascular system a break and bring them inside for a rest.

Be careful with ribs and chicken bones at barbecues, as they can splinter and harm a dog’s tummy. Hot dogs and fatty meats should also be avoided and placed out of an inquisitive dog’s reach.

No hot cars

“A car can reach 120 degrees in a matter of minutes, and a partially rolled-down window is of no help – your dog could suffer a heat stroke very fast, so please don’t leave dogs alone in cars for any reason,” Creekside recommends.

Other health precautions

Parasites, roundworms, hookworms and other parasites live in soil and water. If you’re going camping and your pets will likely be playing in a lake or muddy water, be sure they are on regular preventative heartworm medications.  

Chocolate is one of the top “people foods” that dogs should never have. Their bodies are unable to break down chocolate treats, causing heart damage or other serious complications.

“Don’t share your s’mores around the campfire, no matter how much your dog might beg, and keep other chocolates away from your pet,” Creekside offers.  

Routine care

For kids helping to care for the family pet, parents should encourage them to freshen the pet’s water bowl every day with clean, cool water.

Routine is good, Creekside Pet Care Center notes, especially when it comes to feeding, walking and encouraging your pets to potty at regular times throughout the day and before bedtime. Giving treats as rewards for following a regular schedule encourages your pet to keep up the positive training.

Warm weather cats

While cats are resilient and not as susceptible to heat intolerance as dogs, they should still have indoor access or a shaded outdoor area with clean, fresh water. When temperatures soar to 100 degrees or more, cats should come inside to an air-conditioned environment.

Final thoughts

Creekside Pet Care Center has been named an accredited facility by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA). Only about 15 percent of veterinary facilities in the U.S. and Canada are AAHA accredited, and Creekside takes great pride in being included in such an exclusive group of vet clinics. If you have questions or need advice on your pet’s care and maintenance, choose the friendly team at Creekside to serve you and your furry companion.

PULL QUOTE: A pet can be a wonderful friend and companion, and a source of love, support, laughter, play and togetherness. Creekside 24/7 Pet Care Center strives to give pets the longest and happiest life with the people who love them.