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Creekside Pet Care Center provides tender loving care to your pet

Taking care of your pet's oral health is one of the best ways to show love this month and throughout the year

Article by Creekside Pet Care Center

Photography by Adobe Stock Photos, Creekside Pet Care

Originally published in Southlake City Lifestyle

Our pets bring immeasurable joy, comfort and companionship to our lives. In return, they deserve our utmost care and attention to ensure their well-being.

While regular exercise, a balanced diet and vaccinations are essential components of pet care, one often overlooked aspect is dental health. Neglecting our furry friends' oral hygiene can lead to severe consequences for their overall health and quality of life.

The state of a pet's oral health can significantly impact its overall well-being. Just like in humans, dental problems in pets can lead to various health  issues. When dental hygiene is ignored, plaque and tartar accumulate on the teeth and gums, creating a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Bacteria can enter the bloodstream, affecting vital organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys. This can result in serious conditions like heart disease, kidney infections and liver problems, all of which can
be life-threatening.

Imagine experiencing a toothache or gum pain without the ability to communicate your suffering. Our pets often endure dental pain silently, which makes it our responsibility to recognize the signs of discomfort. Behavioral changes, difficulty eating, excessive drooling, pawing at the mouth or even aggression can indicate oral health problems.

Regular dental care can help prevent these issues and keep our pets pain-free.

Proper dental care can extend the lifespan of our beloved pets. By preventing dental disease, we reduce the risk of associated health problems, enhancing their overall
quality of life. When pets have healthy teeth and gums, they can continue to enjoy their favorite activities, play with us and be active members of our families for years to come.

Prevention is the key to maintaining good dental health in pets. Regular brushing, appropriate dental diets and dental toys can help remove plaque and tartar buildup.
Additionally, annual check-ups with your veterinarian should include a thorough dental examination. In some cases, professional dental cleanings may be necessary to address more advanced issues. While it may require time and patience to train your pet for dental care, the long-term benefits far outweigh the effort.

Investing in your pet's dental health can also save you money in the long run.
Preventing dental issues is far more cost-effective than treating your pet when these issues become advanced. Veterinary bills for dental procedures and treatments can be significant, and it's heartbreaking to watch our pets suffer when problems could have been avoided with regular maintenance.

Dental health is not a luxury but a necessity for our pets. It plays a pivotal role in their overall health and happiness, and it is our responsibility as pet owners to prioritize it.

By making dental care a routine part of our pets' health maintenance, we can help them live longer, healthier and more fulfilling lives. So let's all commit to taking good care of our furry friends' teeth and gums, ensuring that they receive the love and attention they deserve.

While regular exercise, a balanced diet and vaccinations are essential components of pet care, one often overlooked aspect is dental health. Neglecting our furry friends' oral hygiene can lead to severe consequences for their overall health and quality of life.