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Cultivate Your Imagination

PTC Artist Shares Her Passion for Creativity

For the past two years, Emily Lawler has been gifting creativity and prolific art to our community. Within the four walls of her creative studio lies artists young and old, photographers new and experienced, writers rough and polished. Her purpose? To cultivate imagination. To work collectively. To share wisdom.  

Blue Cicada Creative Studios was built from a dream. One that would awaken the hungry artists that lie within each one of us. Emily wants to kindle that spirit through people of all ages and talents.

“We are here for that creative, tender soul who wants to explore their world free from judgment and in a space that supports expressing who you are and who you want to be,” she says.

Born and raised in Peachtree City, Emily has experienced firsthand the shortage of creative spaces in our area. As a young artist, she struggled to find a safe spot to learn, grow and make mistakes. It was her mission to bring a funky little spot that would add character to this town, and even better, give impassioned artists a place to call home. Emily opens her doors through classes, open studios and events.

“Everyone has the capacity for creativity; it just needs to be nurtured,” she says.

With five teachers on staff and 15 classes per week, Blue Cicada is constantly buzzing. Each teacher derives from a different background. When you think of a “creative studio,” your mind drifts toward painting and wearing smock aprons. This, of course, takes place at Blue Cicada, but that’s not where it stops.

Photography classes teach you the basics of a camera, posing your subject and snapping beautiful moments in life. Creative writing allows you to voice your imagination in both writing and illustrating, in what will be developed into a physical book. Fine art classes expose the student to unique mediums from watercolor to sculpting and oil painting. Figure drawing allows one to see the human body for what it is, not what we think we see.

“With so many different types of creativity, it allows students to see what it means to be creative from many perspectives. It is so important to see that you do not have to stick your creativity in a box.”

Additionally, Blue Cicada can be spotted around town. A free art tent where kids are able to craft, draw and be silly can be found at the Peachtree City Market on Saturdays. At the monthly Night Market at Drake Field, high school students take over the art tent to showcase and sell their artwork. Blue Cicada visits schools, curating their fine art shows and aiding in creative events throughout the year like school spirit nights.

Emily wants our community to know the importance of helping others, hard work and kindness, which is why she started a weekly art club. Anyone with a creative mindset can come together with their unique projects to work as a team and lift each other up. Blue Cicada is a lifestyle that hones in on your creativity and supports your growth. This is more than a place to have a quick art event; it’s a place to call home.

“What matters at the end of the day is that we love our neighbor, that we are kind to each other and are seeking new ways to make our world a better place,” Emily says. “Art does that, and I hope that our small studio in a small part of the world can make an impact that reaches people's hearts, that inspires people to do what moves them.”