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Dear Younger Me

Collected Sage Advice From Women In The Know

Dear Younger Me, 

This letter is meant to encourage you, a message to our younger selves, whether you’re a mom, a grandmother, a wife, a friend, a business professional, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, etc. These words are meant to encourage all the women who are constantly challenging themselves and working to do their best. As we grow through life, we may feel ourselves pulled in different directions. My sincere hope is that along these words, you find the encouragement, wisdom, and strength to persevere, to shine, to be of service, and to have a sense of wonder. Life is truly beautiful and it’s all thanks to the women who came and labored before us. 

Whatever wisdom or notion we think we know, others have paved the pathway ahead of us, before us, and if you’ll sit with me and share a cup of tea; I’ll share their sage advice and words about life with you. Inside the doorway of inner hearing, there is an inner knowing that can only come from the experience of life having been lived. Like the laugh lines on our faces and fine lines and wrinkles that are the tale-tale signs of our age or the graying of our hair, the imprints of those we love and the life we’ve chosen to live have been left upon us. 

Good times and bad times are going to happen. Learn to take the bitter with the sweet. It’s all about the attitude and viewpoint we take when faced with either scenario. Life is two parts God, one part Grit, and lastly a dash of Grace. “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8.  No matter your background or upbringing without an attitude of gratitude for life, most every day will look and feel like a hard time. Try and keep your emotions between the navigational beacons, there is depth to what you’re living, and it should be handled with the utmost care. We underestimate the power and presence of our lives in this world. 

Learn to live in the moment. Living in the moment allows you to focus on the here and now and not so much the past or future thinking beyond the present. Life is made up of a series of moments, don’t take any of them for granted. If you’re a parent, soak them up. You will never “over love” your children. Those tender years and young beginnings don’t last long and before you know it, you’re learning to release the tenderling you carried within your body and your heart, out into the wide, wide world, and urge them to spread their wings and fly. It’s a blessing to see them grow and prosper and rear children of their own. Don’t get so caught up in the rearing of children that you lose your own sense of wonder or become so strict in parenting that you extinguish the divine light in your children. Kindle it, they’re going to need it in the world ahead and in days to come. 

Being of service to others is a blessing. If we seek to have good friends, we must first become a good friend. There is a transformative power in helping others. Blessing others is a blessing to you but do it with no ulterior motive of what you’ll be blessed with in return. Finding ways to contribute to society and most importantly your friends, families, and communities are the cornerstones of building a solid foundation. There is an inner fulfillment in seeing others blessed. True happiness lies within the acts of kindness, selflessness, and love. 

Don’t criticize or complain without seeking a solution. If you see a need, fill a need. Be wary of the people you surround yourself with and don’t associate with negative people or those who gossip about others. Birds of a feather flock together. We are what we surround ourselves with. So, make sure that you surround yourself with people who are living in spirit. Inspired lives, inspiring others, and working towards the betterment of themselves and their fellow man. Listen to, watch, and learn the things that make you feel good. If you look for it, whether it’s bad or good, long enough…  you’ll be sure to find it. Look wisely. 

God has a solution for all things. Seek the will of God first and allow whatever you’re facing to be worked out for you. Focus outward on life instead of inward. Sometimes you’ll surprise yourself with how much joy can be found in becoming of service to others. Passion and happiness come from trying new things. Don’t be afraid to fail at them. Venturing out into the unknown will push your comfort zone and no one and nothing can grow within a comfort zone and truly thrive. The only way to learn is by doing sometimes. We learn what we like and dislike, and what our strengths and weaknesses are. Within our weaknesses’ we often find our greatest teachers. We can turn them into a strength, and whether you think you can or you can’t you’re right. 

Don’t get caught up on the “plan” you have for your life. Sometimes when things don’t work out for us, they really work out for us. Read that again when in doubt. The best adventures in life are the ones we didn’t plan. When we surrender to what God’s plan is for our lives vs. what we have planned for our lives; wonderful things can and do happen. Love everyone. Love everyone all the time and choose to see the good. Forgiveness is a choice. Choose to forgive as often as you can. It may not always feel easy, but it is always worth it.  Holding on to the hurts in life only causes us pain. Let go of who and what doesn’t serve you with no hard feelings. Use each experience as a learning experience. Display the fruits of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.) 

Life is a beautiful journey, just like the women who were so gracious enough to share their hearts and stories with me (with us). There aren’t enough words to adequately describe the incredible strength and resilience it takes to live life fully. 

With Love and Gratitude. 


Special thanks to Joni Blalock, City Council Woman, Sales at Perdido Beach Resort. Yolonda Johnson, Business Advisor with the Alabama Small Business Development Center Network. Pat Dupre, South Baldwin Chamber of Commerce and Ambassador. Carol McKracken, Orange Beach Weddings and Minister of Adult Discipleship and Connections at Orange Beach Methodist Church.  

These four incredible women can be found working and serving others throughout our community. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to each of them for being a part of our Women’s edition. When you see them, thank them for each of us. 

Lillian is the editor-in-chief at Gulf Coast City Lifestyle, owner of Hope Home & Gardens and Lillian Taylor Consulting. She is mom to Ben, Liam, Garrett, and rescue pup Maggie. 

Life is truly beautiful and it’s all thanks to the women who came and labored before us. 

Don’t get caught up on the “plan” you have for your life. Sometimes when things don’t work out for us, they really work out for us.

  • Carol McCracken
  • Carol McCracken
  • Patricia Dupré
  • Patricia Dupré
  • Yolanda Johnson
  • Yolanda Johnson
  • Joni Blalock
  • Joni Blalock
  • Lillian Taylor