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The Well Lounge, Meg Zakarewicz, D.O. / Photo by Marie Schrier

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Dedicate To Healthy Weight

The Well's Dr. Meg Shares Benefits Of Investing In Weight Management

Meg Zakarewicz, D.O., a double board-certified physician who practiced family medicine for a decade-plus before shifting her focus to weight management in 2019, provides her passion for healthy weight loss and composition via The Well Lounge in Newtown. Newtown City Lifestyle asked Dr. Meg about the four pillars of her medical weight management program, which are nutrition, physical activity, mindset and medication, and how those pillars complement The Well Lounge spa's medical, wellness and aesthetics offerings.

She says The Well's medical weight loss program differs from other weight loss approaches in that it's completely personalized and comprehensive. "I meet each patient exactly where they are on their journey. Weight issues are often multifactorial and can include nutrition, physical activity challenges, lifestyle incongruencies, behavioral struggles and hormonal and metabolic inefficiencies."

She says she applies her knowledge of nutrition science, exercise physiology, psychology, metabolism and pharmacology to help patients overcome their unique challenges.

Typically, she starts by having patients keep accurate food journals for one week. Next, she does in-depth analyses of what patients are routinely consuming as 'fuel' compared to their calculated fuel requirements.

"Then, we begin changes to improve their metabolic efficiency that feel sustainable and comfortable," she adds, considering total fuel requirements, fuel timing, macronutrient breakdown, micronutrient deficiencies, present body composition, metabolic health, lifestyle and patient preferences.

There's no doubt adequate and appropriate physical activity is essential to metabolic health, states Dr. Meg.

She says she combines best practices regarding physical activity recommendations, patients' metabolic health, limitations, goals and preferences.

Looking at physical activity in isolation isn't a great strategy to improve weight, she asserts. "It's important to understand while the math part of 'eat less, move more' seems to make sense, there's much more to consider," says Dr. Meg. "We're human beings who live in complex human bodies. Considering physical activity is certainly a valuable part of the equation when it comes to managing weight, but it must be considered with regard to metabolic efficiency, fuel requirements, hormonal health, recovery and sustainability."

Dr. Meg admits there are hundreds of effective strategies for losing weight. But, 90 percent of people who lose weight gain it back, she says. 

"My approach considers the sustainability of the changes we're initiating. I work closely with my patients to overcome mental and emotional challenges related to their weight struggles. I support them in changing their relationship with food, shifting body image issues, creating healthy habits and mindsets and overcoming years’ worth of frustration," she says.

"I help them to find balance and sustainability. We also tackle issues, such as sleep hygiene and stress management, that have been making their metabolisms less efficient."

To stay mentally motivated, Dr. Meg says she works with patients to set expectations and goals that are realistic, both short-term and long-term.

"Working to strike the right balance between accountability and support helps my patients build their own internal motivation, set achievable goals, and maintain motivation throughout the process," she adds. 

Weight loss medication may or may not be part of a patient’s journey with Dr. Meg.

"Medication can be a valuable adjunct to therapeutic lifestyle changes, including physical activity recommendations and nutritional optimization. If medication is utilized, it's always as an adjunct to therapy. We talk about what medications are available, side effects, risks and expectations. For appropriate patients, medication can be a safe, effective addition to the treatment program," she concludes.


"Our medical weight management program complements the offerings of the Well Lounge by providing a path to overcome metabolic struggles and help patients to look and feel their best."

  • The Well Lounge, Meg Zakarewicz, D.O. / Photo by Marie Schrier
  • Meg Zakarewicz, D.O.
  • Weight loss medication, such as Ozempic, Mounjaro or semaglutide, may or may not be part of a patient’s journey with Dr. Meg.

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