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Design Inspiration

Creating Luxury Environments That Enhance and Elevate the Human Spirit is What IMI Design Founder Anita Lang Lives and Breathes

It could be the soft, cozy feel of an alpaca throw. Or, the glimpse of a sand pattern on a water’s edge. And, even the sight of written poetic prose.

When it comes to inspiration, IMI Design founder, CEO, and principal Anita Lang utilizes all of her senses to create the custom environments that have become the signature of the award-winning interior designer.

“It all becomes part of the ingredients for the unique solutions for each client’s space,” says Lang, whose talents are manifested in luxurious residences, golf clubs, and spas.

Her services in the luxury residential niche have been in such demand that Lang features a division that caters to real estate developers selling multimillion-dollar residences. Lang and her team’s expertise has attracted an elite clientele craving a home sweet home that exudes a lavish lifestyle and beautiful design in a warm and livable space that also reflects the style of the client.

The goal: Create luxury interiors that elevate the human spirit. 

“I am motivated by the fact that we all are influenced by the spaces we inhabit. Good design with the correct materials, textures, proportions, etc. will evoke positive feelings in those we serve,” Lang says. “There is great intention behind the work I do.”

Born in Chicago, Lang was raised in Maine and moved to Arizona around the same time she started IMI, in 1992. Hailing from a family of entrepreneurs, she had a momentary stint at a design studio before launching her own firm.

“Growing up with a family of entrepreneurs, I just thought it is what one does. So I hung up my shingle as a baby designer and learned every hard lesson along the way,” Lang says. “You don’t forget a lesson when you are the one paying to fix it!”

A fast learner, Lang used her skills to follow her calling in interior design. It’s so natural for her that Lang doesn’t recall a specific moment when the passion for this innate talent struck.

“It is always the way my mind has been geared, I think, spatially. My mind takes interiors and works them like a Rubik’s cube. It is something that I have born to do all my life, and have been lucky to hone this gift into a discipline that serves others,” Lang says.

She was able to grow her one-woman firm from a 400-square-foot shared studio to a full staff, her own headquarters in the heart of Old Town, and “dream come true” projects.

After years of designing custom furniture for clients, Lang launched Design 528, her innovative modern line that unites details like sustainable wood harvesting, hand craftsmanship, and fine metal and textiles.

While Lang works in an exclusive category of high-end living, it’s clear what drives her and what is dear to her heart. She talks about a current project, designing a Los Angeles home for a newlywed couple wanting to start a family.

“Creating spaces for families does give me a lot of joy, as it becomes this warm, loving background where memories shall be made,” Lang says. “I feel blessed for the wonderful journey my career has taken me.”