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Kaylie & William training clients in their private, state of the art facility.

Featured Article

Dive in with the Doods

Sustainable Methods Mean Sustainable Results

Article by Nina Baldacci Sloan

Photography by Sarah Dawn Photography

Originally published in Broomfield Lifestyle

Welcoming January also means welcoming the pressure of all the resolutions we intend for ourselves as the new year kicks off. We seek help, and statistics show the majority of us not only fall off the wagon, but get run over by it. 

Enter Kaylie and William Bradley with Dood Wellness, at the ready to help people regain confidence and comfort in their own skin without obsessing over macros or calories or living in the gym.

The beauty of their program is simple, clients stumble upon them (and their Doodles!) looking to make a change and wind up finding a new, sustainable lifestyle along the way. Recognizing the new year comes with the strongest desire for a “scale win”, they weave in elements that support longevity and health, creating a path not only to get clients to their goals, but teaching them how to maintain their achievements without them. 

William finds fulfillment training clients to be strong and more functional on multiple planes. He builds on his personal knowledge of all the mistakes he made as an athlete being hyper focused on singular things. With a unique eye for precision and tracking, he uses “side by sides'' so people can see minute differences that they wouldn’t necessarily catch in the mirror. Healthy knees. Healthy Shoulders. Quality sleep. Increased hydration. All key elements for lasting success. 

Kaylie loves waking up and knowing she’s making a difference. Clients once depleted are restored and able to give again. “Especially now,” she says. “People know they need to get to the gym, but may not have the time, confidence, or motivation to go. It is hard for most people to ask for help. When they come to us, they range from hyper motivated to feeling super low. With us, there’s not a one size fits all methodology. We are able to help all walks of life with a very similar approach.”

The proof is in the text chains. Aside from the regular accountability and cheerleading, Kaylie and William most enjoy the texts that show the rewards of a lifestyle change, like the one they received from Colleen and Shawn while on vacation,  

“... we had the best vacation ever and it really felt like this (program) is actually becoming us… not just a ‘thing’ we are doing.” She continues, “..we indulged when we wanted to, but never over did it - not even on purpose, we just didn’t eat if we weren’t hungry! And we stuck to the Dood diet mostly, with a few gf treats… the best part is that we never felt guilty, or shamed ourselves for taking a break. And none of it felt hard or like a chore. It’s just what we do! And the friggin icing on the cake, we weighed less than when we left…(it) made all of this feel so good and so sustainable…Thanks Doods!” 

Dood Wellness’ greatest success stories are found through the many testimonies (or text-imonies!) of sustainable results.

Looking to the year ahead, Kaylie and William are most excited about their new brick and mortar space. Like many others in the fitness industry, the pandemic drove them online creating a solid customer base all over the US. With this new studio, they are excited to have a home to be able to train people again in person. Kaylie explains, “There’s something about people in Colorado that makes them fun to train. Maybe it's their love of the outdoors and their love for activity. Whatever it is, we love the energy.”