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Lucy and Lorie

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Eden's Promise

Handcrafted Natural Goat’s Milk Products

Our nature-inspired goat's milk soaps are handmade right in our Hill Country kitchen. We use the fresh milk from our Nubian goats that graze freely on our farm in Boerne. 

During a season of much loss in 2010, my husband Jeremy and I moved to Texas with our four sons. We bought six acres with a grade-A goat dairy barn on it and soon purchased our first Nubian dairy goats. We had researched all the wonderful healing properties of goat's milk both for the body and for the skin.

Soap-making became a therapeutic way for me to work through multiple layers of grief including: the late miscarriage of our fifth son, the death of my mother-in-law, and a move far away from close friends and family. The creative process was an act of faith in believing life would come from death and beauty from ashes. 

In 2014, after many prayers, I gave birth to a little girl named Lucy Elizabeth. She was named after her grandmother, who on her deathbed, told me she hoped I would have a little girl of my own someday. God's timing was perfect and the baby was due on her Grandma Lucy's birthday.

'Lucy' means 'bringer of light'. It was truly the dawning of a new day and God's promise of restoration and new life was fulfilled. Each bar of soap is made with much love and many prayers nurturing hope for all who use them.

These gentle soaps and lotions are made with the most natural of ingredients. Wonderful for cleansing and nourishing even the most sensitive skin, especially for those who suffer from acne and eczema. Goat's milk contains many vitamins, minerals, and natural alpha-hydroxy acids, making it an excellent skincare ingredient. Our soaps are made in small batches using the cold-process method. They will not strip your skin's natural moisture but will leave you with healthy glowing skin you can feel good about.

"For the Lord will comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; He will make her wilderness like Eden and her desert like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will be found in her thanksgiving and melodious song." Isaiah 51:3