Elevate your spirit. Elevate the possibilities. Get higher and farther than ever before, with Titus Adventure Company as your partner.
Owner of TAC, Travis Titus, has been on a mission to elevate for over a decade. Seeking adventure outside the Denver city limits with his wife, two young kids, a dog, and the essential outdoor gear, he noticed his family’s Toyota Four Runner was stuffed like a burrito, every time.
He envisioned better. He dreamt of ease and comfort and accessibility. He visualized playing all over the glorious Colorado mountains in a big and badass vehicle. He imagined the total-package expedition, just right for his family’s needs. And so he activated his mechanical engineering mind and began to create.
He could feel a force more powerful than he, designing something new and smart and cool. In March of 2019, Travis quit his job. In July of that same year, Titus Adventure Company launched their first vehicle.
Travis’ work is innovative, and the product his company delivers is quite remarkable. So what do you need to do to enjoy these flawless packages? Almost nothing. Give Travis a call and let the team design and plan and meet your vacation needs. They will match you with the perfect vehicle, equip you with all the gear (tent, pots and pans, bedding, propane, etc.), and plan as many details of your trip as your heart desires. If you were born with a fearless spirit and only desire the path less traveled, rely on Travis to design you a custom route full of extremes.
The ultimate destination is one in which Titus Adventure is the shared economy solution for outdoor adventure: a marriage of Uber and REI if you will. The mission: to provide access to the outdoors while being good stewards of the environment and our local community.
Reflecting, Travis says,
“This is not easy. I am most proud that I had no business background but am figuring this out and am growing and learning. Now the momentum can build.”
It was once just a guy. With an idea. Pacing around with that idea in his basement. And now? Elevation at its finest.
1830 W 64th Ln, Unit A