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Enjoying your Friendsgiving

Without the stress!

November marks a time of comfort, food and a semi new favorite tradition of Friendsgiving. Dr. Kelsey Reeder, local registered dietitian doctor of clinical nutrition, is sharing intuitive eating tips for your Friendsgiving Feast this year!

1. Eat Breakfast

Prior to big events centering around food, it is common to restrict calories earlier in the day; however, maintaining a normal meal pattern can prevent a ravenous appetite when sitting down for the big meal. 

2. Be present

Yes, Thanksgiving is about the feast, but it is also about being grateful for the individuals in your life and those gathered around the table. Remove the stress of what to eat, and especially the stress centered around “what not to eat,” and be present at the table. 

3. Honor your hunger cues

Thanksgiving and Friendsgiving feasts are often associated with the uncomfortable fullness feeling. To prevent reaching this point of fullness this year, start listening and honoring your hunger cues before the date of your feast. This means, listening to your body and not “pushing through” hunger. This includes staying mindful as you are eating so you can appreciate the food and listen to when your body’s signaling when you are starting to become full. In early stages of adopting this practice, it can be difficult to identify signs of hunger and I recommend working directly with a registered dietitian.

4. Participate in Joyful Movement

One of the principles of Intuitive Eating is engaging in types of movements that you enjoy. This piece of advice does not mean that you have to exercise to “earn” your calories that you are going to consume later in the day, but instead to participate in any form of movement that brings you joy. This can be something like tossing the football around or going for a walk. Additionally, the light movement after eating your meal will assist in the digestive process.

5. Enjoy the seasonal food

Fall, and specifically thanksgiving, has a bounty of seasonal food items including November produce as well as seasonal desserts and dishes! Allowing yourself to have your favorite Thanksgiving dessert is actually honoring your body more than if you were craving it and restricted yourself from it. 

November Seasonal Produce: Acorn Squash, Apples, Beets, Brussels Sprouts, Butternut Squash, Chard, Cranberries, Delicata Squash, Kabocha Squash, Kale, Parsnips, Pears, Persimmons, Pomegranates, Porcini Mushrooms, Spaghetti Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Turnips

If you’re looking for an extra and nutritious side to bring to your Friendsgiving meal, consider making this roasted butternut squash recipe! Butternut squash is not only in season in November, but is great tasting.

Roasted Butternut Squash

1. Preheat oven to 400ºF

2. Chop butternut squash into ¼ inch cubes and place in a bowl

3. In bowl, generously drizzle in olive oil, fresh rosemary, and ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon

4. Place butternut squash onto a baking sheet and place in oven for 15 minutes

5. After 15 minutes, turn the squash over and place in oven for an additional 10-15 minutes.

6. Option to top with additional rosemary and brown sugar cinnamon to taste!

“One of the principles of Intuitive Eating is engaging in types of movements that you enjoy.”