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Flow Into Balance

Evolve Yoga & Wellness shares six rejuvenating poses to relax, invigorate, and open your heart.

Camel (Ustrasana)
A heart-opening pose that strengthens the back and legs while relieving tension in the chest and spine. Perfect for cultivating stability and optimism as you prepare to embrace the possibilities of the year ahead.

Figure 4 Pose (Ardha Padmasana)
Stretches the glutes and hips, improving flexibility and releasing pent-up tension. This pose also helps ease sciatic discomfort while encouraging relaxation and mindfulness, making it a perfect addition to any practice focused on unwinding both the body and mind.

Wide-Legged Forward Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana)
Relieves tension in the hamstrings and spine, calming the mind and encouraging introspection. The gentle inversion also promotes blood flow to the brain, helping to energize the mind while soothing the nervous system for a balanced sense of calm.

Surfer’s Lunge (Skandasana)
A deep stretch for the inner thighs and hips that builds balance and agility, keeping you present and steady. This dynamic pose also strengthens the legs and knees, while its fluid transitions enhance body awareness and mobility.

Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana)
A deep forward fold that stretches the hamstrings, calves, and spine while promoting balance and focus. This pose encourages a sense of grounding and introspection, calming the mind and centering yourself, while also improving posture and alignment through its gentle yet powerful stretch.

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
Stretches the chest, shoulders, and thighs, opening the heart space and invigorating the body. This pose also strengthens the back muscles and improves spinal flexibility, making it an energizing addition to any practice focused on revitalization and openness.

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