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Exploring Broomfield and Beyond

Behind the lens of local Broomfield photographer, Tim Seibert

Article by Sarah Schierkolk

Photography by Tim Seibert - Flatirons Pro Media

Originally published in Broomfield Lifestyle

For over 30 years, Tim Seibert worked in the newspaper industry as a circulation manager with a desire to provide exceptional customer satisfaction. Having always been a photography enthusiast of nature, Tim noticed on his morning drive to the newspaper that the topography of Colorado allowed him to actually see the morning light travel across the landscape. “Getting up in the middle of the night allowed me to witness the quality light before, during and shortly after sunrise. That was my reward for this often thankless job,” Tim recalls. If you have ever been up with the birds to witness the alpenglow on the mountainside, you have had the privilege of observing one of God's magnificent creations. 

Tim’s career at the newspaper ended in April of 2013. Not quite sure where he would go from there, he took a leap of faith and launched Flatirons Pro Media in September that same year. He built his business on desire to deliver exceptional customer service to his clients by providing professional real estate, commercial and event photography. 

Missing that satisfaction of capturing the early morning alpenglow during sunrise, Tim and fellow photographer Gerry Case (Heart of Broomfield recipient and otherwise known around town as Santa Claus) would travel to Rocky Mountain National Park, the Indian Peaks Wilderness and numerous Colorado State Parks to photograph mornings' first light. Each trip into the mountains would be a spiritual experience. Most times, they had a location and image in mind. “It was the times we were forced to change plans due to weather conditions or timing issues that an image I captured became the most spiritual,” Tim reminisces.

Due to the upswing in the housing market, Tim found his camera was being used for more real estate photography rather than unique mountain landscapes. However, Tim soon realized that he did not have to go into the mountains to capture the beauty of nature, as Broomfield had many of its own beautiful parks and open spaces. With the combination of the unique Flatirons and the Indian Peaks, Broomfield has a “front-row seat” to the best Front Range mountain views in the state. Lac Amora Open Space is that front-row seat! 

During one of his adventures around town, Tim snapped an early morning photo at Tom Frost Reservoir, located northwest of Midway and Lowell Boulevards. Naturally, Tim shared his photo on social media for others to witness Broomfield’s beauty. At some point, Bette Erickson, board member of the Broomfield Open Space Foundation (BOSF) and former Mayor Pro Tem, and Pat Quinn, former mayor and President of BOSF, “liked” his photo on Facebook. 

BOSF was started in June of 2006 on a mission to protect, enhance and promote the enjoyment of our open spaces, trails and wildlife. Broomfield is fortunate to have an abundance of designated parks and open space primarily used for recreation, physical and mental wellness, and to appreciate Broomfield’s natural beauty. The city's Open Space, Parks, Recreation and Trails Plan (OSPRT) has a strategy to reach 40% public and private open space and park land to serve a variety of functions, including conserving and protecting natural, cultural, historical, agricultural, and scenic resources; providing recreation opportunities; and shaping the pattern of growth and development. With the combination of the BOSF mission, the Open Space and Trails Department and Tim’s desire to capture the beauty of his hometown, a relationship was born.

On his own, Tim began photographing BOSF events, his favorite being the Kids Fishing Derby held every year at either Tom Frost Reservoir or Metzger Farm. By graciously sharing his photos for BOSF to use to promote their events, the City’s Open Space and Trails Department caught a glimpse of Tim’s gift for capturing nature and wildlife. Both members of BOSF and Open Space and Trails staff unanimously urged Tim to submit many of his images for Broomfield’s new Health & Human Services building. It’s with no surprise that the art selection committee bought 26 of his images. Many still hang there today, both in public and secure areas.

Tim’s relationship with BOSF and the Open Space and Trails Department continued, and in 2022, he was commissioned to capture 17 designated open spaces in all four seasons. Tim thought, “This should be easy—I already have most of those images.” That was until he was told he needed to include specific wildlife and people using these spaces. The wildlife he could manage during his routine early morning exploring. The problem was, “There are very few people out at sunrise in our parks and open space,” Tim pondered.  

Beginning in the spring of 2022, Tim ventured out at all hours of the day to capture Broomfield’s open spaces, the unique wildlife and the elusive humans not found at sunrise. According to Kristan Pritz, Director of Open Space and Trails for the City of Broomfield, “Tim's photos capture those magic moments in our open spaces by showing people enjoying the landscape, wildlife flourishing throughout the system and the simple beauty of open space.” Tim completed the project in the winter of 2022-23.

Tim continues to spend each day using his passion to help his clients, whether that is helping homeowners sell or rent their home, event coordinators capture the essence of an event or business owners elevate their websites. In between it all, you will still find Tim in silence during sunrises, enjoying the peace and beauty of God's creation, right in his backyard.

 “What I discovered over the last 10-plus years of photographing Broomfield is that we do not have to go to the mountains to find beauty. In my opinion, Broomfield has the best Front Range views in the state with the Flatiron and Indian Peaks at our front door. The beauty is right here in our open spaces and parks, many of which have mountain views, and others are little intimate areas like Metzger Farms' abundant wildlife.” Tim Seibert - Flatirons Pro Media

“It was the times we were forced to change plans due to weather conditions or timing issues that an image I captured became the most spiritual.”

"With the combination of the unique Flatirons and the Indian Peaks, Broomfield has a “front-row seat” to the best Front Range mountain views in the state."