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Fabulous Women of Fayette

A spotlight on 5 of Fayette County's finest women, making a difference in our community.

Fayette County is home to so many amazing, powerful, and caring women, that narrowing the list is difficult. We had so much fun interviewing, photographing, and hearing from these ladies about how they contribute to our community. We think you'll agree these five embody the values that make Fayette County great.

Kavita McInroe

Realtor® Berkshire Hathaway Home Services

by Susan Walworth

Kavita (Kay) McInroe exemplifies the Gandhi quote she includes in her email tagline, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” But growing up in India, she had no idea that “change” would be in the United States. 

Unlike many Indian women, Kavita attended college, but she was still expected to enter an arranged marriage.  She feared it would be the end of the life she wanted. “I wanted to live my whole life before I turned 25.” After becoming a flight attendant with Pan Am, she broke her marriage arrangement and eventually met the man she married in 1991 for love, Bill McInroe, a pilot. “It all happened really fast, and I’ve been here since then. When I moved to the U.S. my whole family disowned me except for my parents and my sister.”

Inspired by meeting the Dali Lama and Mother Theresa, Kay knew she wanted to help people. She was amazed that women in the U.S. had a voice. Her first passion was helping victims of domestic violence through Promise Place. As a Realtor, and past president of the Fayette County Board of Realtors, she’s not only helped people find their dream homes but she’s also helped attract top-notch professionals to places such as Piedmont Hospital. 

Currently, Kay is president of Southside Support, a nonprofit helping families with special needs children. She is also active in several local organizations including the American Business Women’s Association and Kiwanis.  Her latest undertaking is an Indian Festival tentatively planned for October. 

 “If you just step up and do it, you can make a difference. It may not change the whole world, it may not change your whole country, but it could change one person's life. Isn't that worth it?” 

Patti Kadkhodaian

Co-owner, Golf Rider

by Pam Reid

Patti Kadkhodaian lives to lead when it comes to fulfilling individual purposes and creating a positive impact for a greater community. Patti and her family have lived in Fayette County since 1997. Married 34 years and mother of 4 sons, Patti’s love for God, family, business, and community remains strong. Patti feels blessed and believes, “God wants us to be light and salt, and to make a difference.”

Patti’s entrepreneurial spirit and bachelor’s degree in marketing have served her well. From Bibs Unlimited, which grew exponentially and made way for AJAKO, a promotional advertising company honored as Small Business of the Year in 2010, to co-ownership of Golf Rider in PTC, a prominent golf cart dealer recognized as Small Business of the Year in 2019, Patti embodies the significance of small businesses to the local community. 

A certified John Maxwell speaker, coach, and trainer, Patti has a passion for personal growth. “We should be learning, growing, and improving every day.” 

Patti is proud to support and hire those in the special needs community. “There are so many that can work and have skills.” She appreciates the value that special needs employee, Josh, adds to her business. “He’s contributing. He makes money, and he’s part of the community.” 

A Rotarian since 2008, Patti serves as vice president for the Rotary Club of PTC and will be president-elect in July. “The timing is right for me. With Rotary International we can have an enormous impact throughout the world.”

The Kadkhodaian’s also support their church and nonprofit organizations like Christian City and Southwest Christian Care. The words from Patti’s mother, just two weeks before her passing in 2013, convey a sentiment we can all benefit from. “Keep up your kindness and you will find great peace.”

Dr. Tamara Lewis, MD

Emory Healthcare

by Pam Reid

Dr. Tamara Hudson Lewis, who has been a primary care doctor with a specialty in family medicine for 16 years, moved from Albany, Georgia to Peachtree City eight years ago, and has been a successful family medicine physician in Fayette County ever since.

“The most rewarding part of being a family medicine doctor is getting to know and serve generations of families," she said. It's not uncommon for her to treat grandmothers, mothers, and daughters. “I can contribute to a legacy of women in this way.” The feedback from her patients is consistent. “Dr. Lewis is exceptional! She never makes me feel rushed and she takes the time to explain things clearly. I am highly impressed with her knowledge and her demeanor.”

Dr. Lewis loves yoga and is an instructor at Sweet Tea Yoga, where the students know her as Tami. Her classes are filled with her love of soul music and attention to alignment and compassion. In addition to teaching, she is a member of the Yoga Alliance and Black Yoga Teacher’s Alliance. Married for 18 years and a mother of two teenagers, she does some form of yoga every day and exemplifies the health benefits.

“I love being in the community; especially this community…nothing better. In this community, we have a lot more in common than we think we do.” She serves with local nonprofits such as Midwest Food Bank. Tami conducts free community yoga classes and is proud to have led yoga classes for Black History Month in Clayton County.

An avid reader and runner Tami stresses the importance of walking every day.  “Don’t get caught up in the mileage, just move for 30 minutes every day. Sit still for 5 minutes every day and do nothing; absolutely nothing. Give yourself that moment where you are focused on nothing but your breath.”

Venis Sims

Owner, Edgewood Realty Group

by Susan Walworth

Venis Sims’ penchant for sales and a love of the real estate process began in childhood.  “I’ve been selling stuff since I was 4 years old,” she said with a laugh while recalling selling sparkly rocks. “You couldn't tell me those weren't diamonds and that I couldn’t sell them.” She also vividly remembers the details of the sale of her childhood home.

Originally from Saint Louis, Venis was introduced to metro Atlanta when her sister came here to attend Spelman College. “That was a big deal,” she said.  Another sister followed two years later to attend Georgia State University.  

When it was Venis’ turn to attend college, she chose Georgia State as well. She became a mortgage lender, which segued into real estate, brokerage, and ownership of Edgewood Realty Group in Fayetteville. Through her business, she gained opportunities to serve others. Grateful for the acceptance and success of her business, she wanted to return the favor to her community. 

A member of the Fayette County Board of Realtors, the Fayette County Chamber of Commerce, and the Fayetteville Rotary Club, Venis also became involved in Promise Place, a non-profit for victims of domestic violence. She served on the executive board for six years. “I was very passionate about Promise Place,” she said. 

Now, she has another important role. After the deaths of her sisters six months apart, she became the full-time caregiver for her mother. She has a special appreciation for all caregivers and wants to encourage them. “I take this role very seriously,” she said. 

Venis feels it’s important for women to be involved in their community. “We can be an example to our children,” she said, “to be a person who has empathy for the plight of others.” 

Cheryl Burnside

CEO/Founder, Phenomenal Women’s Health, Inc.

by Pam Reid

Cheryl Burnside is a phenomenal woman at her core. An entrepreneur for more than 30 years and a physical therapist for more than 40 years, Cheryl shares her heart for what she does. “My ministry is helping women and young girls to love themselves.” Phenomenal Women’s Health, Inc. (PWH), a nonprofit with a focus on empowering women and improving their overall standard of living, was founded in 2007.

Cheryl is going on 44 years of marriage and has two children and two grandchildren. She sets the bar high for taking ownership of one’s health. Program participants benefit from an empowered and faith-filled person who underscores the importance of health education. "I want women to be advocates for their own health; be it physical, mental, spiritual, or fiscal.”

Phenomenal Women’s Health received a proclamation from the state of Georgia for servicing over 8,000 women and children. How Cheryl managed the demands of both private practice and nonprofit work is a testament to her passion and drive. Now full-time with PWH, she focuses her energy on improving the lives of as many women and girls as possible.

PWH has grown to serve a diverse group of women and girls throughout Metro Atlanta. Community partnerships and volunteers are integral to the organization’s success. “Phenomenal Women’s Health would not be what it is today without the amazing people who volunteer. So many people have worked with us for years. These women come back and mentor our high school girls, and the high school girls would mentor the young girls.” Cheryl envisions this effort coming full circle. “If we can help to strengthen the bond with the women and girls, we can have a better hope for the future.” Visit to learn more.