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Family Business

Fathers who are also leaders in business share their reflections on parenting

Article by Bree O'Brien

Photography by Courtesy of the interviewees

Originally published in Kirkland Lifestyle

Name: Tyler Benthin

Occupation: Bellevue Funding, Co-owner

How long have you lived in Kirkland?

About ten years.

What is the best fatherhood advice you’ve received?

I had a great father, and one important lesson I learned was to parent each child in the way that best meets their needs. I try to communicate with my kids in a way that is customized to each of their personalities and to empower them each in a way that speaks to their individual gifts.

What is a favorite family activity in Kirkland?

Going to the waterfront to connect with friends who are boating. Summers are the greatest time to live in Kirkland!

Do you have any advice for balancing career and family?

The goal for me isn’t balance, the goal is to be present and giving attention to the people I am presently with – whether that’s my wife, children, friends, or business connections.

Name: Jeff Lockhart

Occupation: Kirkland Performance Center, Executive Director

How long have you lived in Kirkland?

I lived most of my adult life there, until moving to Snohomish three years ago. I’ve worked at the KPC for eight years.

What is the best fatherhood advice you’ve received?

Just to love your kids. To be a gracious person in light of both successes and failures. To demonstrate a strong work ethic and be defined by your values and who you are as a person.

What is a favorite family activity in Kirkland?

Enjoying the waterfront parks, watching Little League at Everest Park, and the 4th of July parade and fireworks.

Do you have any advice for balancing career and family?

For us kids were the “main event,” and we made decisions accordingly. I also wanted them to see me engaged in a career I enjoy, working hard and being passionate about it.

Name: Daniel Sugai, MD

Occupation: Board-Certified Dermatologist and Tik Tok

What is the best fatherhood advice you’ve received?

My father told me growing up that “It is impossible to have a bad day two days in a row.” I grew up believing that and whenever I had a “bad day,” I would bounce back and believe the next day was going to be amazing. I am now teaching my children that same mantra.

Do you have any advice for balancing career and family?

This is an ongoing challenge as my wife is an internal medicine doctor and we have two children. We have managed for many years working full-time and doing the drop-off and pick-ups from daycare and school ourselves. I like to finish all of my clinic work/notes at the office before coming home and that way, I can spend all of my time with my family. I try not to be on my phone or computer in front of my kids as much as possible and I do all I can to be at their sporting events and practices.

 Is there a hobby you are nurturing right now?

 My second “job” stemmed from social media. I started as a way to disseminate credible information around medicine and dermatology and my channels have evolved into a blend of lifestyle and skincare and some humor. I am so grateful for the support I have received and now have over 700K subscribers to my channels. YouTube (Dr. Daniel Sugai), TikTok (@drspf) and Instagram (@danielsugaimd).