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Generosity, from the Heart

The Ammon Family Foundation

The Gregory R. Ammon Family Foundation, a private charitable foundation headquartered in the Atlanta area, has made a donation of $200,000 to the Northside Hospital Cancer Institute Breast Cancer Program.

Through the financial contribution, the Ammon family hopes to help lessen the financial impact of breast cancer on patients and their families, by creating a more personalized and intimate experience as they navigate through their cancer journey and alleviating some of the outlying stressors of daily life, in addition to the already stressful experience of battling cancer.

The cause is especially close to the heart of the Foundation and the family behind it. Stacy Ammon, wife of Foundation trustee Greg Ammon, was diagnosed with breast cancer just after her 30th birthday, almost two years ago, and received treatment at Northside Hospital Atlanta. 

“Northside Hospital made my experience – this awful experience – somewhat tolerable, so we really wanted to say thank you to the team there, along with patients going through the same battle I did,” said Stacy Ammon, now a breast cancer survivor. “I know all too well how tough the battle with cancer is in general, but especially during this time of year that is already difficult for so many people. We just wanted a way to help ease that burden for people, so we are very grateful to be able to contribute in some way.” 

The Ammon Family Foundation’s donation targets patients and the families of patients, who are currently going through breast cancer treatment and are having a hard time paying for the essentials of life such as groceries, transportation and childcare.

“I started the Foundation as a way to give back and to help our community. Cancer is close to our hearts – not just because of Stacy’s experience, but also because my mother died from cancer when I was young. It is a cause that we are always going to support,” said Greg Ammon. “The foundation also aims to help the community in a variety of different sectors – whether it's education, health care, entrepreneurship, research... the list goes on. Giving back to the community as a whole is what’s most important to us.” 

One benefit of her experience with cancer, Stacy says, is finding an outlet through her social media. “I started using my social media to raise awareness for breast cancer and encourage women to get regular breast exams,” says Stacy. “I’m grateful to be in the position to share my story.”