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Michael Beightol, Zach and Liz Witt, Cassidy Towne & Jenny Beightol

Featured Article

Farm to Table Fun

Milk & Honey Farmstead, ZIN Gastro Pub and SW Lake hosted a first-ever event to raise funds for local charities.

Article by Stephen Neilson

Photography by Stephen Neilson

Originally published in SW Lake Lifestyle

The sun broke through day-long clouds to shine brightly as guests gathered on a Sunday in October at Milk & Honey Farmstead, Wauconda, to share a farm to table meal while raising funds for Nicasa Behavioral Health Services and STAR Charities. Musicians Heather Moran, Steve Gritman, Pat Ryan and SW Lake’s editor, Stephen Neilson, entertained the throng of more than 110 guests.

With guidance from co-host Bob Kryscha (ZIN Gastro Pub,) students from Wauconda High School delivered plates of locally produced organic food, including roasted acorn squash, beef tenderloin and chicken limon. Conversation was lively and laughs plentiful. And then the rains came. First a soft-then-steady drizzle, followed by a thorough soaking, the crowd scrambled to make sure everybody was safe under tents.

When the rain lightened, a crowd-pleasing Apple Cobbler was served. Due to dampness the band couldn’t risk plugging in, so a hero in the guise of DJ Mikey Mike (Mike Moran) emerged. Thanks to his battery powered rig, the music played on. When the last guests found their car in a pasture by the dying embers of a bonfire, it was clear a memorable night had been created by everyone there.

Companies that generously sponsored the evening included American Garage Floor Systems (Wauconda), Be Well 360 (Wauconda), Diamond Dental Services (Lake Zurich), Gardenbau Group (Barrington), ilumen Solar (Lake Barrington) and Reflections in Glass (Wauconda). Special assistance came from Sharon Flaim of Catherine’s Community Closet, a not-for-profit party and event organization that provided tables, chairs, cutlery, glasses, linens, decorative items and more. Learn more at

  • Steve Minica and Kristen Todoroff
  • Michael Beightol, Zach and Liz Witt, Cassidy Towne & Jenny Beightol
  • Smiles aplenty
  • Suzanne & Chad Dershaw, Sandra & Al Frampton and Renee & Tom Clark
  • Pat Ryan, Heather Moran & Steve Gritman
  • Michael Beightol awarded Suzanne Dershaw her raffle prize
  • Glenn Starkey of STAR Charities
  • Kristen Todoroff, Be Well 360
  • Elizabeth Thielen from Nicasa
  • Tom Lombardo of Diamond Dental Services
  • Zach Witt from ilumen Solar
  • Michael Beightol, Publisher of SW Lake
  • Ron and Pat Niemaszyk
  • Co-host Bob Kryscha, ZIN Gastro Pub and Milk & Honey Farm
  • Sandra & Al Frampton
  • Winner
  • Winner
  • Lisa Gilchrist-Gritman
  • DJ Mikey Mike a/k/a Mike Moran
  • Pete Wodarz (left)
  • Team Diamond Dental
  • Bergers, Slatterys, Kelly Porcaro & guest
  • Wauconda High volunteers vibing
  • Bonnie Conte, Annie Sadowski & Ana Sanfilippo
  • Heather and Mike Moran
  • The girl and the goat