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Fashion off the Field

Styling with Cardinals Cornerback and Superbowl Champ Sean Murphy-Bunting

Meet the new Cardinals Cornerback, Sean Murphy-Bunting. 

The Superbowl Champion is pumped to call the Valley of the Sun home, hoping to score big on the football field. However, the famed athlete has another passion in addition to playing defense. In fact, you might refer to him as a football fashionista. 

"I’ve always liked fashion. Now, as a pro athlete, I constantly have cameras on me, so it gives me a bigger stage to showcase my style and I value looking and feeling good," said Murphy-Bunting.

Yep, this guy can run the field and rock the runway thanks to his passion for fashion.

We caught up with the pro player about his personal style vibe off the field.

Will the switch from Nashville to Arizona change how you choose your home game outfit?

Maybe a little because I can’t layer up like I did in Nashville. With that being said, I determine style not by where I’m at, but by how I’m feeling that day. I let things unfold naturally.

How will you incorporate Nashville fashion into AZ?

My color pallets will be similar. My color schemes are black and earth tones.

As a pro athlete, what sparked your eye for style?

I love that fashion allows me to express myself without being verbal. Fans who have never met me can feel my personality. It's a reflection of who I am. It helps me feel confident, and I also enjoy it.

Describe your style- both in fashion and in life.

I'm laid back and not too flashy.

What’s the process for styling your outfits?

It usually starts with how I’m feeling and the weather. Most importantly, I start with picking out my shoes and build my outfit around that.  

Any fashion icons you look at for inspiration?

Not really, but I sometimes admire random people who I spot with unique style.

Favorite designers? Brands? Color schemes?

Louis Vuitton, Bottega, YSL, Prada. With that being said, I like what I like; labels and brands really don’t really matter to me. I love to thrift for unique pieces. 

What's your get-ready regime like?

Nothing out of the ordinary, but I like listening to music while getting ready.

Favorite thing in your closet.

Shoes, followed by accessories. To me, shoes make the outfit.

Top fashion splurge.

Definitely a watch, for sure.

As a fashion buff, how often do you sport your Bucs Superbowl ring?

To be honest, I’ve never worn it out in public. However, I admit to wearing it around the house when I first got it. It was a great feeling.

Why are you most excited to move to AZ?

I’m excited about my new job, giving God all the glory for blessing me with this new opportunity. However, I’m mostly excited about making a difference in the community through our charity, Successful Jocks.

What is Successful Jocks?

Successful Jocks is our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to propelling the lives of student athletes. I started this organization alongside my mom, Kim Murphy. My mom is my best friend, my rock, my daily inspiration. I am so proud to work with her.

Rumor has it your initials, SMB, doubles as an acronym. Can you explain?

Many fans assume "SMB" is an acronym for my name Sean Murphy-Bunting, and it is. But it's so much more. “SMB” is an acknowledgement that so many blessings have been bestowed on me, and I use this as an opportunity to help others.

What kind of guy are you off the field?

I’m a humble guy who loves God, my family, and my community. I strive to be the best in everything I do, both professionally and personally.

What do you plan and hope to bring to the Cards?

I'm really excited to be in Arizona and plan on bringing a strong work ethic, a winning attitude, leadership, and enthusiasm to the team.

Favorite NFL memory so far...

Winning the Superbowl - without a doubt.

In honor of Father's Day, any reflection on your relationship with your dad? 

My father has always driven me to be the hardworking man I am today. He encouraged discipline, fundamental, and structure in a way only a father knows how. He helped me understand that hard work is earned. In order to be great, he taught me to show up and put in the work consistently day in and day out. Waking up at 6am as a kid, going to the baseball field and batting cages, instilled in me that blue collar work ethic.

Former Tennessee Titan CB Sean Murphy-Bunting is trading Nashville for State 48, making a move to the Arizona Cardinals. Having established a name for himself on and off the field as a charismatic, hard-working, fun-loving, fashion-forward, and charitable young man, Murphy-Bunting maintains an underdog mentality. Despite his athletic success and impressive title – Superbowl Champion – the cornerback works hard to represent himself, his family, and his community devoting much of his free time doing charity work alongside his mother, Kim Murphy.

Both Kim and her son started Successful Jocks, an organization set to inspire, motivate, and empower student athletes equipping them with the tools, resources and support needed to become successful in the game of life. As President of Successful Jocks, Murphy-Bunting serves as a role model and SJ Ambassador for the organization.

Murphy-Bunting has mentored young athletes, uplifted women in sports, hosted field trips, sponsored shopping sprees, and celebrated birthdays and Christmas with foster children, ensuring they all had gifts. Not only is it Murphy-Bunting’s goal to win on the football field, but also win in the game of life.

IG @seanmurphybunting

"Fashion allows me to express myself without being verbal. Fans who have never met me can feel my personality."