The Enneagram is a powerful personality framework that explores nine distinct types of people, each with unique motivations, fears, and behavioral patterns. Unlike other personality systems, the Enneagram focuses on the why behind actions, offering profound insights into what drives our thoughts and behaviors.
Whether used for personal development or improving connections with loved ones, the Enneagram is a transformative tool for unlocking potential and creating meaningful, harmonious relationships.
Certified Enneagram Coach Myrna Scales is using those insights to help moms understand themselves, and couples understand each other better. Six years ago, it was the power of Enneagram that helped her feel seen during a challenging time for her family. Her youngest son was undergoing chemotherapy and Myrna, struggling to cope and express her feelings, discovered the Enneagram on Instagram.
In this interview, Myrna delves into how the Enneagram helped her uncover her true self, strengthen her relationships, and ultimately, guide her professional path.
You have said learning about yourself through the Enneagram was life-changing. What impact did taking the quiz have on you?
After taking the Enneagram test and identifying my type, I was overwhelmed with emotion. I started crying because I finally felt understood and seen.
I learned that I am a type 9 (the Peacemaker). I value maintaining peace and dislike conflict. This revelation confirmed much of what I already knew about myself – having always considered myself the "nice girl." I began to realize that conflict is not inherently bad, and having boundaries and speaking up for myself is important. I knew I needed to make changes to become a better wife and mother.
Has your husband taken the Enneagram as well?
My husband also took the Enneagram test and discovered he is a type 1. Knowing our types has fostered greater compassion between us. We are all different, but understanding where someone is coming from makes it easier to empathize with them.
How has the Enneagram influenced you professionally?
As a type 9, the Enneagram has helped me awaken to my true self. If you're a type 9 or know one, you might be aware that we often struggle to identify our passions and may take our time starting new endeavors. For me, understanding my type gave me the permission I needed to pursue my goals. I want to help others discover their true selves so they can experience this freedom as well.
What does your work with clients entail?
I always begin with a free, 30-minute consultation to determine if we are a good fit. After that, we schedule a one-hour appointment. If clients are unsure of their type, I help them figure it out. If they already know their type, I guide them in exploring their strengths, challenges, areas for growth, and wings. I particularly enjoy working with moms because there is immense potential for growth - not just for the mother, but for the entire family. A happy mom and wife lead to a happy life for everyone.
What do you hope to be able to accomplish through your work?
My goal is to help anyone who comes my way become the person they were meant to be. Many of us carry childhood coping mechanisms into adulthood, making it challenging to succeed in our relationships and careers. There is so much more to us than these coping traits; we are complex and beautiful individuals. I want to share that with everyone.
How is your family today?
My youngest son is now 6 years old, in 1st grade, and cancer-free. My oldest son is in 3rd grade and thriving. Thanks to everything I have experienced and learned along the way, I am able to be the best mom for my boys, which brings me great joy.
If you want to learn more about Myrna’s work and the Enneagram, visit
“Understanding my Enneagram has made me more aware of when to be assertive and avoid reverting to my people-pleasing tendencies.”