Jason Rosell has built a fitness and wellness empire that attracts nearly a million social media followers and has put countless lives on a flourishing, life-changing path.
Rosell is the host of the Get Inspired with Jason Rosell podcast and a reality TV personality, and he also appears on daytime TV, lending his expertise as a celebrity lifestyle expert and giving advice to those wanting to enhance their lives.
And with his idyllic physique and craveable lifestyle that allows him to live in Scottsdale and travel the nation for work often, it’s easy for people to think he’s just another high-profile trainer cut from a 21st-century influencer mold.
However, nothing could be further from fact. Rosell’s journey was far from easy—and this is what makes him stand out among a competitive sea of fitness pros.
When he was about 5, Rosell was allergic to 90 percent of foods, causing him to have to take countless medications that unfortunately caused him to gain a lot of weight year after year. However, there was a big side effect.
“On the positive side, it saved my life. But it caused me to grow in rapid ways,” Rosell recalls. “I reached the obesity level for my height and dealt with that off and on.”
After years of trying diets, exercises, and other get-fit trends focused on physical benchmarks, Rosell finally discovered a method that defied the notion that being in top form started with and revolved around outward appearance.
And it worked.
“It came down to one thing—my mindset,” says Rosell, who is 43 and in better shape than he was in college. “Anyone can lose fat or weight, but very few can get into amazing shape. I got in shape mentally, then emotionally and physically came at the end.”
That philosophy is at the heart of Caliente Fitness, Rosell’s innovative, award-winning global wellness brand that has catapulted him to the heights of the industry as a premier lifestyle and wellness expert with a powerful global presence.
Through Caliente Fitness, Rosell offers a bevy of programs spanning fitness plans, workout videos, one-on-one coaching, and recipe books in a one-stop-shop for clients seeking mental, emotional, and physical health gains. Hailing from Queens, New York, with Spanish heritage, Rosell also offers programs in Spanish, in which he is fluent.
The relationship coaching that Rosell offers clients often comes into play, as many of Rosell’s clients find themselves drawn to partners who may embody negative traits that they were used to from childhood. He helps them break that pattern.
“It’s about teaching techniques,” he says, “[and] educating you on how to train your mind [and] emotions, along with your body for your weight and genetics, to achieve your wellness goals.”
When Rosell talks about these scenarios, it comes from a very personal place.
Rosell’s father was a semipro bodybuilder who moved the family to Spain for part of his childhood. There, Rosell found himself getting bullied as the overweight American kid who didn’t fit in. Meanwhile, his father’s negativity bred an increasingly difficult environment.
His rebellion of choice: eating.
“I was literally stuffing my face with Oreos and Nestlé Nesquik,” Rosell says.
When he was 16, they moved back to the U.S. and settled in Florida. His parents split, which made Rosell ecstatic because his father wasn’t around. However, Rosell dropped out of school so he could work to help support himself and his newly single mother.
Being a teenager, the only job he could find was at fast food restaurants, which didn’t help.
“Where I was working, I was eating as much as I could with a 50 percent discount. The eating kept going, the party kept going,” Rosell says.
However, he knew when the party needed to end. He straightened up and earned his GED. He went on to the University of North Florida, where he graduated with degrees in public relations and internal marketing management.
Rosell recognized that his resistance to take on a serious workout routine was rooted in his past. But when he got on track and learned to leave that baggage in the rearview mirror, he unearthed a new motivation to work on his body.
He believes his own personal journey is why his unique strategy has been successful for not only himself but also for clients.
“I was the one who tried everything. But personal training and working out is only one-eighth of the wellness pod,” Rosell says. “When they come to me, they don't hire me as a fitness trainer. I’m a performance coach, working on relationships with yourself, others, and lastly, your fitness.”
But in the end, what gives Rosell a boost and inspires him to keep doing what he does is being a firsthand witness to a transformation that results in a life of calm and confidence for those who gain from his expertise and experiences.
“Seeing people genuinely and authentically live their life once and for all, being unleashed from the chains they’ve been stuck to for five or 40 years, to me, that is the most rewarding part,” he says.
JasonRosell.com and @JasonRosellLIVE on social media.